2021 Presidents Academy and RLA to be Virtual

Nov. 20, 2020 - This week, Delta Upsilon International Fraternity announced that its 2021 Presidents Academy and Regional Leadership Academy will be virtual events. This decision was made for the health and safety of participants as COVID-19 remains a threat across the globe. With this announcement, came news that the January 2021 Global Service Initiative trip has been canceled due to the pandemic.
"It had been our hope that all three programs could continue in person, but the closer we get to the program dates, it has become clear that is no longer responsible," said Delta Upsilon Executive Director Justin Kirk. "Staff has been working diligently to prepare exceptional virtual content for Presidents Academy and RLA, and we are confident these vital programs will remain as impactful as ever."
Presidents Academy
The virtual Presidents Academy will be held Jan. 8-10, 2021, with pre- and post-sessions on Dec. 21, 2020, and Jan. 25, 2021, respectively. All Chapter/Associate Chapter Presidents should attend this program. If a President cannot attend, an Executive Board member may attend in his place, with prior approval from IHQ. Participants are expected to participate in all aspects of the program. As usual, there are no registration fees for this year's Presidents Academy.
The registration deadline is Dec. 11.
Register for Presidents Academy
Regional Leadership Academy
RLA serves as DU's annual officer training platform to provide tangible skills needed for success as defined by the Delta Upsilon Officer Core Competencies. Typically, five sessions of RLA are held each year in different geographic areas. In 2021, chapters will have the option of attending one of two virtual RLAs, depending on which works best with their schedule.
The 2021 will take place Feb. 6-7 and Feb. 13-14.
Each chapter/associate chapter is expected to have eight attendees fully participate in the RLA programming, however more than eight are welcome to attend. This program is designed for Executive Board officers and future chapter leaders. The Recruitment Symposium will also be held in conjunction with RLA. Each chapter should send at least one member (typically the Vice President of Recruitment) to this special track.
Registration is due two weeks prior to the RLA you wish to attend. There are no registration fees for the 2021 RLA.
Participation in Presidents Academy and Regional Leadership Academy will not only provide important personal development opportunities and resources to effectively lead chapters, chapters will also have a financial incentive for participation. Understanding that the pandemic has caused difficulties for many members, especially financially, the Fraternity is taking extra steps to assist chapters financially—in addition to steps already taken early this fall. A chapter can have its chapter fee of $1,125 for the spring term credited back if its Chapter President participates in Presidents Academy and at least five members participate in the Regional Leadership Academy programming. In this regard, "participate" means full participation in all program sessions and compliance with all program policies and expectations.
Participation in Presidents Academy and RLA also affect a chapter's performance in the Men of Merit Chapter Standards Program.
At this time, the Fraternity is still hopeful it can host its DU Emerging Leaders Experience, May and June Global Service Initiative trips, and Leadership Institute in person.
Questions regarding Presidents Academy and RLA can be directed to Director of Educational Programs Veronica Moore at moore@deltau.org.