"To me, the meaning of DU is to have a constant support network of brothers who are always looking to push each other and better each other. It’s encouraging your brothers to go study more, apply for that internship they really want, or asking them to volunteer with you—to build better men. Alcohol doesn’t play a role in what it means to be a DU."
Substance-free Housing
Delta Upsilon is dedicated to providing safe, supportive environments in which we build better men. We strive to make our chapters and campus communities stronger.
About Substance-free Housing
All Delta Upsilon chapter and associate chapter facilities are to be substance-free. The goal of the Substance-free Housing Policy is to create a healthy atmosphere for Building Better Men.
The Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Board of Directors passed the Substance-free Housing Policy in May 2018 and gave chapters time to transition to the full policy. Today, all chapters are expected to fully-comply with the Substance-free Housing Policy.
Delta Upsilon is pleased to join other fraternities that are transitioning to substance-free housing including Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and FarmHouse.
Substance-free Housing Policy
Effective Nov. 16, 2024
- Alcohol and drugs of any kind, quantity or form are not permitted in any areas of Delta Upsilon chapter facilities or property, whether indoors or outdoors, including in personal vehicles parked on the property, except when alumni chapters or undergraduate chapters receive individual event exceptions as outlined below.
- Alumni chapters may host up to six pre-approved events with alcohol in common areas of the chapter facility or property per year so long as alcohol is distributed by licensed third-party vendors or in a controlled BYOB manner. All events must comply with the Fraternity’s Loss Prevention Policies and the host institution’s policies, where applicable.
- Undergraduate chapters may be granted one-time exceptions to the Substance-free Housing Policy for specific events with alcohol at the chapter facility, not to exceed 10 events at the facility per academic year, or 5 events if they opt in for one semester, when the following conditions are met by the chapter:
- The chapter met the Men of Merit “Expectation” level in the area of Loss Prevention in the previous semester.
- The chapter is current on its Loss Prevention assessment.
- Undergraduate leaders, advisors, alumni chapter and house corporation officers, and the chapter’s IHQ staff liaison decide the number of events with alcohol the chapter will host at the chapter facility, if any.
- The pre-determined event(s) with alcohol are registered with the Fraternity at least seven days in advance.
- Alcohol at the pre-determined event(s) must be controlled and distributed in accordance with the Fraternity’s Loss Prevention Policies and the host institution’s policies, where applicable.
- Alcohol is not permitted at the chapter facility at any time outside of the pre-determined and registered event(s).
- After a registered event, chapters must dispose of any remaining alcohol according to their plan which is communicated in the events registration form.
- Undergraduate chapters that choose to host one or more events with alcohol under this exception forfeit the Substance-free Housing Credit in the Loss Prevention Allocation Model. There is no loss of credit when alumni chapters host registered events under this policy.
Click here for the Undergraduate Event Registration Form. Chapters should not complete this form unless they have already talked to IHQ staff, have been approved for the exemption, and signed an Event Exception Agreement.
*In your app store, you can search "HM Event Planner" to download a free app version of the event planning guide.
Alumni Events
Regardless of whether or not a chapter as a Substance-free Housing Waiver, alumni have the opportunity to host up to six pre-approved events in common areas of the chapter facility per year with licensed third-party alcohol vendors or following the Fraternity’s BYOB guidelines. All events must be in compliance with the university and Fraternity’s Loss Prevention policies.
All alumni events must be registered and approved by the International Fraternity in advance of the event.
- Complete the Alumni Event Registration Form.
- Make sure to view the Alumni Event Registration Procedures.

Repurposing and Renovating Former Social Event Spaces
Many chapters have started to reimagine and renovate previously used social spaces in their facilities. This can include new study spaces, recreation spaces, workout/gym facilities and more.
Delta Upsilon can assist with this process by utilizing your Chapter Education Accounts (CEA) for educational spaces or Chapter Housing Accounts (CHA) for additional housing needs. For more information, please visit our Chapter Grants and Campaigns page.
If you have questions about Delta Upsilon's substance-free housing policy or would like to discuss enhanced alcohol education programming, please contact our Senior Director of Chapter Development Katherine Pezzella at pezzella@deltau.org.
We are DU!
Delta Upsilon is the world’s oldest non-secret, non-hazing fraternity. With the mission of Building Better Men, our aim is to provide a modern fraternity experience for today’s college student that equips him to be successful in all areas of life.
Mission & Vision