Justice In Action Service Grant

Enhance your chapter's service in the community through a grant from DU.

Delta Upsilon is proud to launch a new Justice in Action Service Grant program. This program is a funding opportunity designed to empower Delta Upsilon chapters to create meaningful, service-based projects that promote positive community impact. Chapters can apply for grant funding to support initiatives that address critical local needs, foster collaboration, and align with the fraternity’s values. This program encourages chapters to take direct action by developing sustainable and impactful service projects in their local communities.

Chapters can apply for a Justice in Action Service Grant for the 2025-2026 academic year by submitting a grant application to justiceservicegrant@deltau.org. Applications are due June 25. Up to four grant finalists will be selected from the pool of applications and will be invited to the 2025 Leadership Institute in Louisville (July 25-27) to present to a panel of judges. Finalists will be notified by July 1. 

Criteria for application and selection includes:

  • Project relevance and need - Chapters should clearly identify an issue being addressed within the community and its connection back to the Four Founding Principles.
  • Collaboration and engagement - Chapters must have a plan to collaborate with the community partner, have alumni oversight and involvement, and engage the chapter membership.
  • Project Feasibility - Projects must have a plan to be completed within one calendar year and within budget.
  • Impact and Sustainability - Chapters need to identify the intended short-term and long-term impact of the project and how they will measure its success.
  • Measurement of Success - Chapters must provide a plan for evaluating the success of the project.

Chapters can download a grant application outline here, which details more information about what should be submitted.