DU Portal

Join us in our new digital member hub!

Delta Upsilon is excited to launch the DU Portal, our new online member hub! The DU Portal will streamline the member experience, allowing our chapters to operate more efficiently and for members to connect to the Fraternity like never before. 

The DU Portal is in partnership with our friends at re:Members (formerly ChapterSpot) and is connected to the Fraternity's powerful new Salesforce database. 

Here's what you need to know before you log in for the first time. 
  • All DU members and volunteers with a valid email address on file with the International Fraternity received an email invitation to the DU Portal with instructions on claiming their account. These email invitations will be staggered and sent at the following schedule. 
    • Week of Aug. 14 - International Fraternity volunteers, undergraduate chapter officers, advisors, alumni chapter officers 
    • Week of Aug. 28 - All undergraduate members and associate members
    • Week of Sept. 11 - All alumni
    • All new associate members will receive their invites as soon as they are reported to IHQ by the chapter through the DU Portal. 
  • If you did not receive an email invitation from IHQ, you can manually claim your account by visiting http://portal.deltau.org and clicking the Sign Up button. From here, you will be asked to fill out information that can be matched to your record in DU's database. You will provide your current email address and sent an email invitation. 
    • Make sure to check your junk/spam folders if you do not see the email invitation come to your inbox. 

Click here for more detailed information about accessing your account for the first time. 

If you have login or technical issues, please contact the re:Members support team at this link https://chapterspot.my.site.com/support/s/submit-support-case

If you have questions about how to navigate the DU Portal or feedback, please email to ihq@deltau.org or call the DU International Headquarters at (317) 741-7918.

About the DU Portal

Through the DU Portal, all associate members, undergraduates, alumni and volunteers will be able to:

  • Manage and update their contact information
  • Search and connect with other members
  • Access important Fraternity resources

Undergraduate chapter officers and advisors will also have the ability to:

  • Report new members
  • Report initiates
  • Update their member roster
  • Update officer and advisor lists
  • Pay chapter dues and other invoices to the International Fraternity
  • Streamline the recruitment process by tracking new members throughout their recruitment journey

Throughout the next year, the Fraternity will add more features to the DU Portal, such as virtual educational programming, event registration, giving history to the DU Educational Foundation and more.