Viewing Your Chapter's Statement

Through the DU Portal, chapters will be able to view their financial statement and invoices with the International Fraternity. Starting mid-September 2023, chapters will also be able to make payments via the DU Portal.

Note: Only those with administrative rights for your chapter will be able to view your chapter's statement or make payments. These people are: Chapter President, VP Finance, VP Administration, VP Member Education, VP Recruitment, Chapter Advisor, VP Finance Advisor, and House Corporation President.

  1. Log into the DU Portal at
  2. At the top right of your screen, there should be a button with a house icon and with your chapter name. Click on that to access your chapter dashboard.
  3. Click on the “Chapter Statement” icon.
  4. The top box will give you a general view of total amounts owed, as well as if any charges are past due.
  5. The second box will list various transactions. To view transaction details, click on the underlined words in the “Transaction Type” column.
    • Please note that any balances brought forward to the DU Portal from our previous accounting system, will not give you detailed transaction information. If you need that information, please contact IHQ. It was also emailed to chapters at the beginning of August 2023.
  6. To make a payment via the DU Portal, check the boxes next to the charge(s) you wish to pay. Then select “Make a Payment” to be taken to the payment screen.

    • Through the DU Portal, you can make payments via credit or debit card. DU uses as our secure payment processor and accepts Via, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
    • Please note that it may take a few hours for your payment to be reflected and your balances updated in the DU Portal.
  7. Payments can also be made by mailing a physical check to Delta Upsilon International Fraternity at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Please put the chapter’s name and invoice description in the memo line.
    • Please note that it may take up to 10 days after mailing a check for payment to be received and logged into the DU Portal.  

The following video will walk you through how to to view your statement. You can jump to the 6:07 mark in the video to get to this section.