Educational Programs
Building Better Men with curriculum rooted in leadership and DU’s Four Founding Principles.
Foundation-Funded Educational Programs
The Fraternity offers many award-winning educational programs with a proven track record of success. These experiences teach cutting-edge leadership skills, offer character shaping personal development, and helping young DU’s learn how to improve their local chapters. Grants from the DUEF help the International Fraternity fund these important programs and make registration affordable and sometimes free to attend.
Given that our undergraduate membership completely turns over roughly every four years, these quality educational programs are offered annually. Thanks to our loyal foundation donors consisting of DU alumni, undergraduates, parents and friends, the Foundation is able to offer these life changing programs to our young men.

Last Year Our Donors Directly Impacted Students and Chapters in the Following Ways:

men attended an educational program

granted for tuition scholarships

in chapter housing and scholarship grants

received Building Better Men retreats

23 MEN
experienced the Global Service Initiative
webinars and online training for students and volunteers
Give to the DUEF Today
Will you join us in Building Better Men for a global society? Your support of the DUEF will help provide educational programming, chapter initiatives and scholarships to young men who will soon lead our world.