Since our founding, Delta Upsilon has welcomed men of merit, and merit alone, into our chapters. This is the standard of membership by which we hold accountable both our individual members and our chapters. The Delta Upsilon Men of Merit Chapter Standards Program ensures chapters are meeting the expectations of membership in the Fraternity and providing a safe, educational and productive experience for its members.
DU seeks to build better men for a global society through service, leadership development, and lifelong personal growth of our diverse membership. The Men of Merit Program challenges our members and chapters to fulfill the expectations of membership by promoting friendship, developing character, diffusing liberal culture, and advancing justice on a daily basis.
Men of Merit Dashboard
Chapters can view their progress in the Men of Merit program by viewing their Men of Merit Dashboard in the DU Portal. The dashboard can found in the DU Portal by clicking on your chapter’s name in the top right corner of the navigation. Then select “Men of Merit Dashboard.” (If you have not yet claimed your DU Portal account, you can learn how to claim your account here.)
The Men of Merit Standards identify 10 key areas essential to success for a Delta Upsilon chapter. Chapters are placed into one of three levels for each Standard based on their performance over the past year: Aspiration, Expectation and Minimum.
Click below to download a printable PDF of the Men of Merit Standards.
The Men of Merit Standards program allows for a chapter to submit an exemption request based on its inability to reach a specific level in any of the 10 Standards due to special or unique circumstances. The Men of Merit Committee will review the exemption requests and may choose to grant requests on a case-by-case basis annually. Questions about the exemption process can be directed to Director of Chapter Development Director of Chapter Development CJ Gibson at Forms will be available later this school year.
Several pieces of Men of Merit documentation are due June 1.
Service Hour Verification Form
We recommend the creation of either a Google Form or Google Sheet. These formats allow for members to independently add and edit service contributions regardless of the in-person or virtual membership experience. We encourage members to be creative regarding how they can serve members of their community, wherever that community may be. The service hours logged and tracked do not have to be completed alongside other members, members are able to participate in service individually.
Examples of service hour collection forms:
- Delta Upsilon Community Service Form Example (Word)
- Delta Upsilon Community Service Log Template Example (Excel)
Men of Merit Service Verification Form
Men of Merit Advisor Verification Form
Men of Merit Advisor Verification Form
Philanthropy Dollars
Chapters should email proof, in the form of an acknowledgement email or letter from the charity, of funds donated to a nonprofit other than the Global Service Initiative to the Fraternity to satisfy this standard. Emails can be sent to Director of Chapter Development CJ Gibson at
Submit GSI fundraising dollars online or by sending a check to International Headquarters.
Local Service Partner(s)
Chapters should send IHQ a letter from a local service partner detailing the type and frequency of service(s) provided for each location/organization. Letters can be sent to Director of Chapter Development CJ Gibson at
Grade Reports
Please send fall 2024 and spring 2025 grade reports to Director of Chapter Development CJ Gibson at to meet this requirement.
If your university has not sent you your chapter’s grade report by these deadlines, please let CJ know and submit the report as soon as you receive it.

Standards Level Expectations
Chapters reaching the Aspiration level achieve above and beyond. These are model Delta Upsilon chapters and they are worthy of the Fraternity's highest honors.EXPECTATION
Chapters meeting the Expectation level are fulfilling their obligations as a chapter of Delta Upsilon. This is considered a solid level of achievement and one that is attainable by all chapters.MINIMUM
Chapters at the Minimum level are on their way to fulfilling the obligations of Delta Upsilon but have improvements to be made. Chapters failing to meet the minimum levels over multiple years may be jeopardy of reorganization or suspension.Men of Merit Chapter Standards
1. Chapter Excellence Plan
At least 90% of Required criteria and at least 60% of Optional criteria
At least 80% of Required criteria and at least 45% of Optional criteria
At least 70% of Required criteria and at least 30% of Optional criteria.
* If a chapter reaches one level in Required and a different level in Optional, their overall Men of Merit performance in the CEP standard will be based on the lower of the two (for example – if a chapter completes 95% of Required criteria but only 35% of Optional criteria, the chapter will be marked as Minimum overall). The submission deadline for fall CEP criteria is Dec. 30 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. Spring submissions are due June 1 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. However, submissions should be uploaded throughout the year as criteria are completed to save your chapter time at the end of the year.
CEP submissions should be uploaded at
2. Chapter GPA
Chapter's GPA is the highest fraternity GPA on campus or exceeds the All-Undergraduate GPA.
Chapter's GPA meets or exceeds the All-Men's or All-Fraternity GPA on campus, whichever is higher. The All-Men's will be used if All-Fraternity is unavailable.
Chapter's GPA meets or exceeds the All-Men's or All-Fraternity GPA on campus, whichever is lower. The All-Men's will be used if All-Fraternity is unavailable.
Chapters must send fall and spring (or quarterly) grade reports to Director of Chapter Development CJ Gibson at as soon as these reports are obtained by the chapter.
*If your university has not sent you your chapter’s grade report by June 1, please let CJ know and submit the report as soon as you receive it.
3. Program Attendance
For United States Chapters: Chapter has at least 12 members attend various Delta Upsilon educational programs (Leadership Institute, Presidents Academy, Regional Leadership Academy, Emerging Leaders Experience, and the Global Service Initiative), including at least one registered delegate at Leadership Institute and one member at Presidents Academy. The chapter must have had a Building Better Men Retreat in the last three years.
For Canadian Chapters: Chapter has at least 8 members attend various Delta Upsilon educational programs (Leadership Institute, Presidents Academy, Regional Leadership Academy, Emerging Leaders Experience, and the Global Service Initiative), including at least one registered delegate at Leadership Institute and one member at Presidents Academy. The chapter must have had a Building Better Men Retreat in the last three years.
For United States Chapters: Chapter has at least 10 members attend various Delta Upsilon educational programs (Leadership Institute, Presidents Academy, Regional Leadership Academy, Emerging Leaders Experience, and the Global Service Initiative), including at least one registered delegate at Leadership Institute and one member at Presidents Academy. The chapter must have had a Building Better Men Retreat in the last four years.
For Canadian Chapters: Chapter has at least 6 members attend various Delta Upsilon educational programs (Leadership Institute, Presidents Academy, Regional Leadership Academy, Emerging Leaders Experience, and the Global Service Initiative), including at least one registered delegate at Leadership Institute and one member at Presidents Academy. The chapter must have had a Building Better Men Retreat in the last four years.
For United States Chapters: Chapter has at least 6 members attend various Delta Upsilon educational programs (Leadership Institute, Presidents Academy, Regional Leadership Academy, Emerging Leaders Experience, and the Global Service Initiative), including at least one registered delegate at Leadership Institute and one member at Presidents Academy. The chapter must have had a Building Better Men Retreat in the last four years.
For Canadian Chapters: Chapter has at least 4 members attend various Delta Upsilon educational programs (Leadership Institute, Presidents Academy, Regional Leadership Academy, Emerging Leaders Experience, and the Global Service Initiative), including at least one registered delegate at Leadership Institute and one member at Presidents Academy. The chapter must have had a Building Better Men Retreat in the last four years.
Chapter representatives must register for and attend each program (in full) to receive credit for attendance. IHQ takes attendance at educational programs and automatically records this for chapters for Men of Merit tracking.
4. Service
Chapter supports a local charitable partner and conducts an average of 15 hours of service per member per year.
Chapter supports a local charitable partner and conducts an average of 10 hours of service per member per year.
Chapter conducts an average of 5 hours of service per member per year.
*The deadline for this submission is June 1.
Service hours must be tracked by each chapter and uploaded at with the supporting documents.
5. Philanthropy
Chapter raises a total of at least $3,000 for philanthropic endeavors, including at least $2,500 for the Global Service Initiative.
Chapter raises at least $1,000 for the Global Service Initiative.
Chapter raises at least $500 for a charity of their choice.
*Chapters should email proof, in the form of an acknowledgement email or letter from the charity, of funds donated to a nonprofit other than the Global Service Initiative to the Fraternity to satisfy this standard before June 1 deadline.
Letters must be emailed to Director of Chapter Development CJ Gibson at Submit GSI fundraising dollars online via the GSI Fundraising Form or by sending a check to International Headquarters.
6. Membership
Chapter's membership size is at least 25% above the campus fraternity average.
Chapter's membership size meets or exceeds the campus fraternity average.
Chapter's membership size is no more than 10% below the campus fraternity average or 35 members, whichever is higher.
This information is gathered from rosters on file with IHQ and University grade reports. Chapters must keep their rosters up to date with IHQ at all times and send fall and spring (or quarterly) grade reports to Director of Chapter Development CJ Gibson at as soon as these reports are obtained by the chapter.
7. Loss Prevention
Chapter has no Loss Prevention Policy violations and has implemented Substance-free Housing (if applicable) or has been granted the Substance-free Housing Waiver.
8. Advisory Support
Chapter has a Chapter Advisory Board with a total of eight members, including three who are in weekly contact with chapter leadership, and a separate housing board (if a property is operated). Advisors participate in at least three Fraternity-led Advisor Webinars yearly.
Chapter has a Chapter Advisory Board with a total of five members, including one who is in weekly contact with chapter leadership, and a separate housing board (if a property is operated). Advisors participate in at least two Fraternity-led Advisor Webinars yearly.
Chapter has a Chapter Advisory Board with a total of three members, including one who is in weekly contact with chapter leadership and a separate housing board (if a property is operated). Advisors participate in at least one Fraternity-led Advisor Webinars yearly.
*An advisor will complete this form for the Advisory Support Standard of the Men of Merit Chapter Standards Program for the chapter/associate chapter they advise. Questions regarding Men of Merit can be directed to Director of Chapter Development, CJ Gibson, at The deadline for this submission is June 1.
IHQ emails the Advisor Verification Form to advisors at the end of the academic year. The form is due June 1.
9. Learning Assessment
Chapter has 95% member completion of Tightrope by Plaid. Chapter has 95% member completion of the Delta Upsilon Membership Outcomes Assessment.
Chapter has 85% member completion of Tightrope by Plaid. Chapter has 85% member completion of the Delta Upsilon Membership Outcomes Assessment.
Chapter has 60% member completion of Tightrope by Plaid Chapter has 60% member completion of the Delta Upsilon Membership Outcomes Assessment.
Member completion of Plaid and the Membership Outcomes Assessment is tracked by IHQ.
10. Accounts Receivable
Chapter has no fees past due as of June 30.
Chapter has no fees more than 30 days past due as of June 30.
Chapter has no fees more than 60 days past due as of June 30 or is current on an agreed-to payment plan.
Chapters must have a zero balance with IHQ (all bills paid) by June 30 to meet this requirement. This is tracked by IHQ.
Assessment Process
Chapters will be assessed annually at the conclusion of each academic year based on all available data and will be notified of their status by August 1. Each chapter’s advisory board is responsible for submitting their advisor verification via the Delta Upsilon website forms. All other data points are compiled by the International Headquarters.
The annual review will place chapters in one of three levels for each of the 10 Standards: Aspiration, Expectation, and Minimum, except for Loss Prevention which is at the Expectation level only for complete implementation of the Substance-Free Housing program (if applicable) and no Loss Prevention policy violations during the academic year. Certain Standards carry a heavier weight in the evaluation process and not achieving the Expectation level in those Standards may necessitate a meeting with the Men of Merit Committee. The Standards of CEP, GPA, Program Attendance, Membership, and Accounts Receivable may warrant an automatic meeting. Additionally, chapters noted as below minimum in any combination of six or more Standards may be assigned a member of the Men of Merit Committee. Chapters at the below minimum level in any standard are required to follow the noted Improvement Plan. Chapters failing to meet the minimum levels over multiple years may be asked to participate in a show-cause hearing with members of the Board of Directors.
Please note exceptions for not meeting the Expectation level in any given Standard may be granted by the Men of Merit Committee on a case-by-case basis.
Chapters found to be consistently below the Expectation level and showing little to no improvement may be recommended to the Delta Upsilon Board of Directors to examine their ability to continue as a Delta Upsilon chapter. Chapters demonstrating outstanding achievement in the Standards process will be recognized as noted below.
Chapters demonstrating outstanding achievement in the Standards process will be recognized as noted below.
Improvement Plan & Assistance
If a chapter falls at the Minimum level or below for any Chapter Standard, they must begin work on the noted Improvement Plan for that area within the first 30 days of the next academic year (if applicable). They will work collaboratively with their International Headquarters staff liaison and/or Province Governor to ensure successful completion. An explanation of each Standard and Improvement Plan can be founded in the supplementary rubric.


All chapters meeting the Aspiration and Expectation levels of the Chapter Standards will be recognized annually at the Leadership Institute and in the fall issue of the Quarterly as a "Men of Merit Chapter." Additional awards and recognition will be conferred based upon individual Chapter Standards performance.
Men of Merit Committee
The Men of Merit Committee will be comprised of past Delta Upsilon staff, alumni and interfraternal colleagues selected based on their expertise and knowledge of chapter operations, as well as industry best practices. They will receive formal training on the Men of Merit program and be charged with assessing chapters on both the annual and rotating timelines as described above.

Associate Chapters

As part of the Men of Merit Chapter Standards Program, all new Delta Upsilon associate chapters will be established with substance-free housing, if applicable. They will remain in substance-free housing in perpetuity.
Questions about the Men of Merit program can be directed to