2022 Presidents academy and RLA REgistration
Oct. 7, 2021 - Registration for Delta Upsilon's 2022 Presidents Academy and Regional Leadership Academies is now open. The Fraternity is excited to host both educational programs in-person in 2022 after holding them virtually in 2021.
Presidents from all chapter and associate chapters are encouraged to attend the Presidents Academy in January. Entire chapter/associate chapter Executive Boards are encouraged to attend the RLA closest to them in February. Both programs are invaluable for new and returning officers, as well as future chapter leaders. Chapter advisors are invited to attend RLA alongside chapter Executive Boards, in addition to the virtual Advisors Academy that will be held Saturday, Jan. 29.
It is important to note that for health and safety reasons, Delta Upsilon is requiring all attendees for Presidents Academy and RLA to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 prior to arriving at the program. This means participants are at least 14 days post receiving their full vaccination. A negative COVID-19 test will not be accepted in lieu of vaccine verification. Participants with religious and medical exemptions for vaccinations will be accepted. Please contact Senior Director of Educational Programs Noah Borton at borton@deltau.org to provide medical or religious vaccination exemption verification in advance of the program.
If you have questions about Presidents Academy or RLA, contact your chapter liaison or Director of Educational Programs Veronica Moore at moore@deltau.org.
2022 Presidents Academy
JANUARY 6-9, 2022
Presidents Academy accelerates the growth and learning of DU’s chapter/associate chapter Presidents each year. Presidents come together to participate in an institute-style program with a curriculum that emphasizes the mission and Principles of Delta Upsilon as a foundation for effective chapter leadership.
At Presidents Academy, Presidents are exposed to new ideas and possibilities and are encouraged to apply what they learn to their leadership role and responsibility. They learn from each other, stretch their boundaries, discover strengths and envision a more successful version of their chapter.
Registration is open now and will close Dec. 10. As always, there are no registration fees for Presidents Academy thanks to funding from the DU Educational Foundation.
Whether driving or flying to Presidents Academy, individuals are eligible for a travel reimbursement (up to a pre-determined amount) provided they complete the entire Presidents Academy program, adhere to all polices, and submit the proper documentation. The Presidents Academy Travel Reimbursement Form must be submitted by Dec. 13, 2021.
January 6-9, 2022
Camp Tecumseh, Brookston, IN
Presidents Academy accelerates the growth and learning of DU’s chapter/associate chapter Presidents each year. Presidents come together to participate in an institute-style program with a curriculum that emphasizes the mission and Principles of Delta Upsilon as a foundation for effective chapter leadership.
At Presidents Academy, Presidents are exposed to new ideas and possibilities and are encouraged to apply what they learn to their leadership role and responsibility. They learn from each other, stretch their boundaries, discover strengths and envision a more successful version of their chapter.
Registration is open now and will close Dec. 10. As always, there are no registration fees for Presidents Academy thanks to funding from the DU Educational Foundation.
Whether driving or flying to Presidents Academy, individuals are eligible for a travel reimbursement (up to a pre-determined amount) provided they complete the entire Presidents Academy program, adhere to all polices, and submit the proper documentation. The Presidents Academy Travel Reimbursement Form must be submitted by Dec. 13, 2021.

- RLA West - Feb. 4-6, 2022, Portland, OR
- RLA South - Feb. 4-6, 2022, Atlanta, GA
- RLA Northeast - Feb. 11-13, 2022, Philadelphia, PA
- RLA Great Plans - Feb. 11-13, 2022, Kansas City, MO
- RLA Midwest - Feb. 18-20, 2022, Chicago, IL
Regional Leadership Academy serves as the Fraternity’s largest undergraduate educational program of the year. IHQ staff facilitate the Regional Leadership Academy (RLA) in five locations throughout the United States. These academies serve as a unique opportunity for chapter officers in a specific geographic region to attend sessions that span a wide range of topics affecting fraternity life. RLA is intentionally designed as an officer training platform to provide tangible skills needed for success as defined by the Delta Upsilon Officer Core Competencies.
The Recruitment Symposium is conducted alongside RLA as a special recruitment education track for VPs Recruitment. Each chapter/associate chapter receives one complimentary registration to RLA for a brother to attend the Recruitment Symposium.
Chapter advisors are also welcome to join officers at the RLA and can register via RLA registration form.
RLA registration is now open and will close two weeks prior to the date of that RLA. Registration costs are $250 per person for undergraduates. Advisors rates are $400 for a single room, $300 for a double room or $125 for no room.