Fall 2024 Delta Upsilon Quarterly
Heritage Circle
The Heritage Circle honors living brothers and their families who have chosen to include the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation as a beneficiary in their will or estate plans. The prestigious society includes brothers who have committed to Building Better Men for generations to come, and Heritage Circle members are honored on a permanent plaque at the Fraternity's International Headquarters.
Everett C. Johnson, ’62
Michael O. Johnson, ’90
Stuart D. Arias, ’17
Cory M. Dowell, ’98
Michael H. Sarra, ’64
Boise State
Justin J. Kirk, ’00
William J. Bittner, ’74
Robert A. Dahlsgaard, ’63
Donald L. Riechman, ’60
Thomas M. Koehler, ’87
William M. Leete, ’58
Robert J. Miller, ’09
Nathaniel Szkil, ’07
Central Florida
Aaron D. Clevenger, ’97
Walter T. Oliff, ’17
Maurice S. Mandel, ’55
James D. McQuaid, ’60
Scott W. Wilson, ’73
Anthony B. Cashen, ’57
Philip G. Ranford, ’00
Bruce S. Bailey, ’58
Patrick D. Anderson, ’09
Eastern Kentucky
Robert E. Collins, ’74
Kevin J. Brown, ’13
John A. Delaney, ’77
Joseph J. Marinelli, ’65
Matthew V. Panzano, ’11
Paul E. Rosenthal, ’73
Terry J. LaBrue, ’72
Georgia Tech
Gregg A. Hines, ’11
H. P. Picard, ’82
Craig S. Sowell, ’92
Kim C. Cox, ’76
Craig R. Milkint, ’83
Trent A. Shepard, ’73
Craig D. Zelent, ’84
Shea M. Stanley, ’09
Iowa State
Colin P. Finn, ’05
Donald E. Larew, ’62
Johns Hopkins
Thomas E. Harrison, ’53
Lewis D. Gregory, ’75
Kansas State
Richard D. Sell, ’78
Matthew S. Whisman, ’17
Long Beach
Ryan D. Jones, ’95
Brian E. Mudrick, ’82
Christopher J. Steis, ’78
William F. Darlin, ’56
Gregory R. Kavanagh, ’81
Sean C. FitzGerald, ’12
Michigan State
David Franzetta, ’70
Michigan Tech
Adam A. Mitteer, ’03
David D. McKeag, ’04
Rodney L. Nelson, ’63
Terry J. Brady, ’62
Jeffrey R. Kreutz, ’99
Richard B. Campbell, ’68
Derek D. Dauel, ’15
Robert S. Lannin, ’81
Kelly S. Leach, ’85
Conor E. Tomac, ’17
North Carolina
Charles E. Downton, ’66
North Carolina State
Tyler K. Stevens, ’11
Richard X. Taylor, ’82
North Dakota
Derek N. Dunham, ’89
Rodney P. Kirsch, ’78
Eric H. Lybeck, ’97
North Dakota State
Clint M. Dworshak, ’00
North Florida
Zachary S. Thomas, ’09
Northern Arizona
Samuel Alboy, ’01
Jeffrey W. Sears, ’97
Northern Colorado
Stephan C. Davis, ’94
Northern Illinois
Jerry A. Dykhuisen, ’68
Jordan B. Lotsoff, ’88
Northern Iowa
Jeffrey L. Fuhrman, ’94
Stephen K. Rowley, ’65
Ohio State
Stephen R. Blozis, ’80
Carroll L. Lurding, ’59
Gregory L. Haymon, ’77
Alvan E. Porter, ’65
Oregon State
Thomas F. Durein, ’92
Jordan L. Guess, ’13
Daniel C. Hauser, ’10
Bruce C. Anderson, ’65
Daryl W. Reisfeld, ’03
Scott D. Hahner, ’78
Michael McCormick, ’18
San Diego State
W. A. Glasscock, ’85
San Jose
Charles L. Miller, ’59
South Carolina
John C. Herron, ’88
Southern Illinois
Dave Maguire, ’73
John R. Dytman, ’71
Richard M. Holland, ’83
Thomas M. Knies, ’71
Steven L. Driever, ’69
Steven R. Fisher, ’87
Western Ontario
Michael J. Daley, ’05
Matthew A. Baer, ’80
Warren P. Nesbitt, ’76
"The Fraternity experience provided such a strong foundation for me, and I want to ensure that the opportunity is there for young men for generations to come."
Derek Dunham, North Dakota '89
New Heritage Circle Members
Michael Daley, Western Ontario '05
$25,000 (CAD) bequest in will
Brother Daley serves on the Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Board of Directors and decided to increase his overall commitment to the Ignite The Charge Campaign with a $25,000 (CAD) unrestricted estate gift.
Scott Hahner, Rutgers '78
$25,000 bequest in will to Rutgers Chapter Legacy Plan
Brother Hahner previously served as a DU staff member and now is an advisor to his Rutgers Chapter. He has been key in raising funds for the Rutgers Chapter Legacy Plan via the Ignite The Charge Campaign, and his bequest of $25,000 will certainly grow this CLP.
Derek Dunham, North Dakota '89
$10,000 bequest in will
Brother Dunham has held many roles, serving as an undergraduate Chapter President, then as a Leadership Consultant and Expansion Director for the International Headquarters. He now serves as the Northeast Province Governor. Naming the DUEF in his will for a $10,000 bequest now adds him to the Heritage Circle.
Gregory Kavanagh, Miami '81
$2,500 bequest in will
Brother Kavanagh increased his overall Ignite The Charge campaign commitment by including DU in his will with a $2,500 bequest. The campaign has sparked his re-involvement with his Miami Chapter, and he now serves as an undergraduate mentor.
Sean FitzGerald, Michigan '12
$2,500 bequest in will to Michigan Chapter Legacy Plan
Brother FitzGerald is enjoying his second term with the DU staff as the Director of Advancement for the DUEF. A bequest in his will of $2,500 will further the aims of the Ignite The Charge Campaign and his Michigan Chapter.
Jeffrey Kreutz, Missouri '99
$100,000 bequest in will to the Ignite The Charge Campaign
Missouri Alumni President and new Heritage Circle member are just a few of Jeff's notable titles. In addition to establishing the Jeff Kreutz RLA Endowment Fund, Brother Kreutz is also leaving a $100,000 estate bequest to the DUEF for the Ignite The Charge Campaign.
W.A. Glasscock, San Diego State '85
$5,000 bequest in will
Brother Glasscock has supported his San Diego State Chapter and the DUEF. He was an early supporter of the San Diego State Chapter Legacy Plan, and now his bequest of $5,000 will support the mission of the Ignite The Charge Campaign.
Matthew Panzano, Florida '11
bequest in will of 5% of his estate
Brother Panzano serves DU as a Director of Chapter Development and increased his giving to the Ignite The Charge Campaign by establishing a bequest of 5% of his estate to the DUEF.
New Lester Cox Benefactors
Lester Cox Benefactors are deceased alumni whose realized estate gifts are used to advance the Fraternity’s educational mission. This prestigious society is named in memory of Lester E. Cox, Pennsylvania 1898, who provided a transformational bequest to Delta Upsilon in 1971. His estate gift led to the construction of the International Fraternity Headquarters in Indianapolis where a plaque memorializes all Lester Cox Benefactors. Alumni who provide lasting generosity with estate gifts are truly Building Better Men forever.

Dr. John Weisel, Oregon '48
$38,241 Unrestricted Life Insurance Policy Estate Gift
Brother John Weisel passed away on Dec. 2, 2023, at the age of 97. Dr. Weisel was a longtime supporter and volunteer with Delta Upsilon. In addition to his support of the Oregon Chapter, he served as an Alumni Director on the International Fraternity Board of Directors from 1991-1995 and on the Educational Foundation's Board of Trustees from 1999 to the time of his death. In 2009, he received the Distinguished Delta Upsilon Award, the highest award the Fraternity presents to an alumnus. Dr. Weisel’s life insurance policy gifted to the DUEF will continue his legacy into the future.
Terrence Grimes, Eastern Kentucky '71
$29,216 Unrestricted Estate Gift
Brother Terrence Grimes passed away on April 2, 2022. He served Delta Upsilon as Director of Chapter Services from 1972-1973, then later as a Province Governor. His unrestricted estate gift will further the endowment and Annual Loyalty Fund.
Harlan Bloomer, Michigan '66
$10,000 Unrestricted Estate Gift
Brother Harlan Bloomer passed away on Feb. 10, 2024. With a passion for education, he spent much of his career as a professor in the graphic arts department at Minnesota State University, Mankato. His estate gift grows the Annual Loyalty Fund and Unrestricted Endowment Fund.
J. K. Higdon, Kansas '48
$10,000 Unrestricted Estate Gift to the DUEF & $40,000 to the Kansas Chapter Legacy Plan
Brother Ken Higdon passed away on Aug. 29, 2023. In the 1970s, he served as a director of the Kansas House Corporation and Educational Foundation. His estate gift will benefit both the DUEF and the Kansas Chapter.
Most Common Ways to Join the Heritage Circle
Charitable Bequest
Include language in your will or trust that provides cash, securities, property or a percentage of your estate to the DU Educational Foundation.
Retirement Plan Beneficiary
Name the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation as a beneficiary of your 401(k), IRA or other retirement plans.
Life Insurance Policy
Name the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation as the owner and/or beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
Heritage Circle Gift
For a limited time while supplies last, new Heritage Circle members will receive an updated 3rd edition of "Revealing the Non-Secrets," written by Delta Upsilon’s volunteer Historian Craig Sowell, Houston ’92. This wonderful book covers the history of Delta Upsilon’s founding and highlights the young men who started our brotherhood at Williams College in 1834. The new edition includes updated biographical information and newly discovered details on the final resting places for the last two Founders whose burial locations were previously a mystery.
Want to Learn More about the Heritage Circle?
Do you have questions, or is the DU Educational Foundation already in your will or estate plans?
Contact Director of Advancement Sean FitzGerald at fitzgerald@deltau.org or (317) 875-8900.
The Foundation’s Tax ID# is 35-1976226.