Alumni News
The Louisville Alumni Chapter hosted a centennial celebration on Oct. 22, 2021, at the University of Louisville’s University Club. The event marked 100 years since the chapter began as a local fraternity on campus. (It became a chapter of Delta Upsilon in 1949.) The celebration featured dinner, guest speakers and special presentations. Delta Upsilon Executive Director Justin Kirk, Boise State ’00, attended on behalf of the International Fraternity, and Dr. Michael Mardis, Vice Provost of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, welcomed guests on behalf of the university.
During the dinner, the alumni chapter presented six scholarships to undergraduate brothers. Brother Robert Brand, Louisville ’70, was also presented with the chapter’s Charles Farnsley Distinguished Alumni Award, which is named for a Louisville Chapter alumnus who served as mayor of Louisville and as a member of Congress. During Bob’s 10 years as a chapter advisor and president of the alumni chapter, he has helped secure on-campus housing for the chapter, establish an alumni mentoring program, create scholarship opportunities and more.

Jerry Fink, Wisconsin ’87, and his company, The Bascom Group, received the Distinguished Real Estate Alumni Award from the Wisconsin Real Estate Alumni Association during the WREAA Biennial Real Estate Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. The Bascom Group is also celebrating 25 years of success.