Bucknell Chapter REinstalled

Sept. 26, 2020 - Congratulations to Delta Upsilon's Bucknell Chapter! The chapter was officially reinstalled into the Fraternity on Sept. 26, 2020. The chapter was first established Nov. 18, 1950, as DU's 74th chapter. The chapter existed for 53 years before closing in 2003, recolonizing in April of 2007, and later closing on May 18, 2015. Expansion efforts began for the Bucknell Chapter's return in fall 2018.
The Trout Auditorium on the Bucknell University campus in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, played host to the Reinstallation and Initiation Ceremonies. Due to campus restrictions on gathering sizes, the chapter members were broken into two groups, and the ceremonies were held twice--once for each group. The Ritual team consisted of International Fraternity Board Member Brad John, Iowa '96, as Master; Derek Dunham, North Dakota '89, as Examiner; Pat Flannery, Bucknell '80, as Chief Marshal; and John Zaharchuk, Bucknell '81, as Chaplain. Brother Zaharchuk also provided the Charge Address.
Thirty-three undergraduate men were initiated into the Bucknell Chapter during the event. The group had been approved by the International Fraternity Board of Directors to re-charter in spring 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent campus closure, the event was postponed until the fall.
"Delta Upsilon is proud to return to Bucknell," said Executive Director Justin Kirk. "Thanks to the support from our Bucknell alumni, the chapter has returned strong with men eager to uphold our Four Founding Principles. Any chapter chartering is an exciting event, but even more so when it marks the return of one of our Old Gold chapters."
Congratulations to the Bucknell Chapter!
Buckell Chapter Initiates
Henry Alvarez
Nico Athanassiadas
John Belinksy
Nicholas Bermeo
Austin Bruck
Pat Collier
Ford DelVecchio
Kevin Doyle
Joe Fazio
Rylan Forester
Andrew Gabriel
Noah Greenberg
Luke Grygier
Nicholas Haddad
Jack Hogan
Ben Iwaoka
Josh Lee
Wil MacPherson
John Mcnally
Patrick Messane
Brad Michelson
Samuel Musmano
Macrae Olson
Andrew Pacious
James Page
Sean Quinn
Parker Sanders
Alex Sawaya
Corey Scamman
Arthur Scavone
Alexander Smith
Andrew Stephenson
Benjamin Wilken