Colonization Ceremony held for Seton Hall

April 16, 2018 - Delta Upsilon hosted the Colonization Ceremony for its group at Seton Hall University on Friday, April 13, 2018. This marks the first time Delta Upsilon has expanded at Seton Hall.
Held in the McNulty Amphitheater on campus, 30 associate members were pledged into the Fraternity. Jeff Jacobs, Carnegie '82, served as Master and Tyler Vazquez-Dorn, Rochester '17, as Chief Marshal. Tom Pelarinos, Bradley '17, conducted the Officer Installation Ceremony.
Leadership Consultants Vasquez-Dorn and Pelarinos began recruitment efforts at Seton Hall in January 2018. Leading up to the Colonization Ceremony, the Consultants and associate members focused on recruitment and setting the early foundations for the group. Post-colonization, the group will work toward the requirements for chartering, which include recruitment, chapter operations, academic excellence, service/philanthropy, and more. During the colonization weekend, Delta Upsilon Senior Director of Educational Programs Noah Borton also led a colony retreat focusing on team building and leadership development.
Delta Upsilon International Fraternity would like to thank all those who have made our expansion at Seton Hall University possible. This includes the Seton Hall Office of Leadership and Development; family; friends; and advisors Nicole Giglia, Meredith Trabilsy and Jeff Jacobs, Carnegie '82.
Congratulations to the Seton Hall Colony!
Seton Hall Colony Founding Fathers
Brian Ayoub
Ron Babiak
Robderick Benthal-Pittman
Divas Brar
Brandon Cintron
Cameron Hall
Connor Hills
Andrew Imbesi
Jacob Kalb
Paul Kikta
Tim Leonardo
Jackson Lied
Daniel Lytle
Stefan Maclachlan
Joseph Marcos
Dylan McNally
Robert Meier
Michael Mesaros
Jack Mulvanerty
Marc Nelson
Connor Owens
Garrett Pruzinsky
Sam Schoening
Frederick Smith
Joshua Smith
Salvatorre Spatola
Samuel Stackhouse
Angel Tello
Adam Varoqua
Trevor West