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Du Is Hiring Leadership Consultants

January 24, 2023 - Delta Upsilon International Fraternity is hiring Leadership Consultants for the 2023-2024 academic year. Recent graduates are encouraged to apply for this unique, skill-building role!
Leadership Consultants are vital parts of the Fraternity staff. These individuals are tasked with managing the Fraternity's expansion projects and providing recruitment and training support to existing DU chapters.
Those selected will begin their role in June 2023 and run through May 2024. During the summer of 2023, Leadership Consultants will be housed in Indianapolis for training then attend the 2023 Leadership Institute in Kansas City before hitting the road. Throughout the year, they will travel North America to visit and assist DU chapters and expansions. DU will start new chapters at Stockton University, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Villanova University, Virginia Tech, and University of Washington during the 2023-2024 school year.
Candidates must be a member of Delta Upsilon, have a degree from an accredited four-year college or university, and be able to understand and demonstrate a commitment to Delta Upsilon's mission and Four Founding Principles. Experience as a DU chapter officer is not required, neither is a particular major.
Leadership Consultants are full-time positions with full compensation packages including housing, meals, travel expenses, health insurance, vacation days and more.
Serving as a Leadership Consultant helps those in the role develop skills in a number of critical areas: interpersonal communication, recruitment/marketing, time management, servant leadership, project management and more. No matter the industry one wishes to join down the road, serving as a Leadership Consultant will provide the skills to succeed.
For questions about the Leadership Consultant role, contact Senior Director of Chapter Development Dominic Greene at greene@deltau.org.
Myth: The position is only for those who have served as Chapter President.
Any brother with a love and passion for Delta Upsilon can serve as a Leadership Consultant. While having served on a chapter Executive Board will provide valuable experience, it is not a requirement. Regardless of officer experience, DU is looking applicants’ ability to understand and demonstrate a commitment to DU’s mission and Four Founding Principles.
Myth: I did not major in the right thing.
Academic major does not affect one’s chances of being hired as Leadership Consultant. Many believe you must major in a communications or marketing related field, but that is not true. Past Leadership Consultants have degrees in engineering, English, business administration and more! Applicants must possess strong interpersonal skills, written and verbal communications skills, and a strong work ethic. Such qualities can be found in those from any field of study.
Myth: The skills won’t be applicable to my future job.
Critical thinking, problem-solving, team building, marketing, budgeting, project management, conflict resolution and communication skills are just a few of the areas develop by serving as a Leadership Consultant. Each is something any employer will look for and ask about. While day-to-day tasks will differ, the skills and experiences learned can be translated to any future career.
Myth: It will be harder to get into grad school after taking a year off.
Scores of past Leadership Consultants have gone onto graduate school following their time as a Leadership Consultant. Your smarts and experiences get you into grad school, not your age. Like a job interview, using the skills learned as a Leadership Consultant in your grad school essays and interviews can give you a leg up on the competition.
For those searching for a full-time job, serving as a Leadership Consultant will build your network across North America. The skills obtained through the role often have companies and recruiters searching for you!
Myth: I will only work with struggling chapters and Associate Chapters.
Each year, every DU chapter receives at least one visit from IHQ staff. Leadership Consultants will receive a portfolio of chapters to work with throughout the year, which will include chapters that vary in size, strength and geographic location. Through in-person visits and electronic communication, Leadership Consultants work with their chapters year-round to plan and achieve success. Leadership Consultants also have the unique opportunity to build DU’s newest associate chapters, recruiting Founding Fathers and setting a foundation for success.
Myth: I won’t get enough training to do the job well.
Leadership Consultants spend the entire summer at IHQ preparing for their roles. They will be trained by staff from all IHQ departments, as well as outside facilitators. Leadership Consultants will attend additional training through groups like the Fraternity Executives Association and Phired Up Productions. Throughout the year, Leadership Consultants will have the opportunity to polish their skills through webinars, staff meetings and more.