Distinguished DU Award Application
The Delta Upsilon Distinguished Alumni Award (DUDAA) is the highest award in Delta Upsilon. Since its inception in 1984 the honor has been bestowed upon only a chosen few. It is intended to recognize those brothers who have shown their dedication by giving of their “time, talent and treasure” to the organization through their tireless efforts, dedicated service, direct hands-on involvement and unselfish financial giving.
This most highly valued and respected award is presented to dedicated alumni who professionally display their devotion to the Delta Upsilon and who exemplify the Four Founding Principles through their every action. Careful consideration should be given to the selection of recipients of this most prestigious award, as they are ambassadors and representatives of not only the Fraternity, but of the high honor and meaning of this award.
1. An approved recipient will have served in one or more of the following capacities for a collective period of no less than ten years:
- A member of the Fraternity’s Board of Directors
- A member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees
- A member of any special or standing committee of the Fraternity or Foundation.
- Any singular position that has been appointed by the Chairman or approved by the Board of Directors that requires regular, ongoing operation.
- Served on the professional staff of the Fraternity or Foundation for a period of no less than fifteen years.
2. Must be an initiated member of the Fraternity
3. Must be voted on and approved by the Board of Directors by majority vote.
4. Must professionally display their devotion to the Delta Upsilon and exemplify the Four Founding Principles through their every action. He should bring honor to himself and the Fraternity as a potential representative of the Fraternity’s elite.