DU Offers Scholarships to AFLV Virtual Conference

Oct. 22, 2020 - Delta Upsilon International Fraternity is excited to be able to provide full scholarships for undergraduate members to attend the 2021 Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values (AFLV) Virtual Conference. AFLV is an organization that exists to accelerate progress in fraternity and sorority communities through change enabling experiences.
This conference is one of the premier personal development opportunities in fraternity and sorority life. This year, the program will be a month-long, virtual experience allowing participants to access the content in a way that best fits their schedules. Participants in this unique opportunity will develop their leadership capacity, learn about important trends in fraternity and sorority life, develop new ideas for their chapter, and connect with brothers from across North America. This leadership development opportunity will provide the following programming:
- On demand leadership and skill development programming
- Keynote presentations from prominent speakers in fraternity and sorority life
- Opportunities to network and connect with fellow Delta Upsilon participants
- Access to resource libraries and best practices
View more information about the schedule.
Important Dates:
- The program will take place February 1-28, 2021
- Scholarship applications are due November 16, 2020
All undergraduate members are eligible to apply for a scholarship. Up to 50 scholarships will be awarded. Emerging leaders and new chapter officers/committee chairs are encouraged to apply. If selected for a scholarship from DU, the Fraternity will register you for the conference using our group code.
Complete participation in AFLV programming will be counted toward a chapter's total member participation in educational programs for the purpose of the Men of Merit Standards. Additionally, complete participation in the AFLV program shall serve as a make-up opportunity for a chapter’s absence from Undergraduate Convention.
Additional program information is available at on the AFLV website. If you have questions please contact Noah Borton, borton@deltau.org.
Expectations for Scholarship Recipients:
- Participants will fulfill all requirements of program attendance.
- Participants will be actively engaged in sessions and discussions.
- Participants will be able to access the streaming video content and live sessions provided through the AFLV virtual platform.
- Participants will be able to find a distraction-free space for participating in AFLV sessions.
- Participants will be respectful, responsible and represent the Four Founding Principals of Delta Upsilon at all times.
- Participants will commit to taking what they have learned at AFLV and applying it as a leader within their chapter.