DUEL 2021 Applications Open

May 11, 2021 - Applications for the 2021 DU Emerging Leaders Experience (DUEL) are now open! Delta Upsilon International Fraternity is excited to host this year's event in-person after having to cancel last year's program due to the COVID-19 pandemic. DUEL 2021 will take place in New Orleans, July 29-Aug. 1.
DUEL is an immersive program for up to 30 first- and second-year students who are interested in developing their leadership potential. It is uniquely designed to help young leaders meet the challenges and responsibilities in life and in their chapter. Using the StrengthsQuest Inventory, the men begin to identify, analyze and understand their personal leadership. They will immerse themselves into conversations regarding diversity and shared values to effectively collaborate and lead through courage and conversation. Most importantly, attendees will create a personal vision of the future for themselves and their chapter.
Please note that DUEL 2021 coincides with the Leadership Institute, also in New Orleans. LI and DUEL are two separate educational programs, and students will attend one or the other, not both.
Registration is covered by scholarship from DU Educational Foundation. Participants provide their own travel. Applications for DUEL are due June 11.
Health and safety is a top priority for Delta Upsilon as it plans and hosts DUEL. Attendees will be asked to show proof of a valid COVID-19 vaccination card prior to arrival. Upon arrival, anyone without a completed vaccination card will need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test from within the past 48 hours. Failure to provide a vaccination card or negative test will result in registrants being unable to attend any DUEL function or stay within the DUEL hotel room block until they can do so.
The International Fraternity recognizes that Canada and its provinces currently have lockdown, travel restrictions and quarantine guidelines in place, which may prevent them from being able to attend DUEL. DU advises Canadian brothers to follow all federal and provincial restrictions. The International Fraternity will continue to monitor the situation as we move closer to the event, and we recommend they do so as well.
For questions, contact Director of Educational Programs Veronica Moore at moore@deltau.org.