Educational Program TEstimonials

"President's Academy stands out to me as one of the best programs DU has to offer. Being surrounded by likeminded and progress-driven brothers really pushed me to develop a strong plan for my presidency and challenged me to bring my chapter to new levels of success. Some brothers might see the experience as a little bit intimidating since we travel from around the country to spend a long weekend in rural Indiana, but it lets everyone disconnect from their day-to-day lives and commit themselves to this brotherhood and our individual chapters. I encourage every Chapter President to attend this amazing DU educational program."
- Clayton Cooper, Western Reserve '19
"Everything this Fraternity has taught me has helped me in my everyday life. From school to work, and even social circumstances, I am always dedicated to making myself a better man and standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. I will always take the initiative to speak up for others who cannot speak for themselves."
- Ricardo Rios, North Florida '21

"I have attended DUEL, RLA and LI since joining in the spring semester of 2017, and I have enjoyed every interaction I have had with other chapters, alumni and IHQ personnel. I believe that these professional interactions and settings for open dialogue have made me a better team player and leader in both my chapter and professional life."
- Trevor Smith, Michigan Tech '21
"One of the greatest strengths of Delta Upsilon is the extremely diverse membership of brothers from campuses across Canada and the United States. DU educational programs create an inclusive environment where brothers can be proud of their identities and how they contribute to the overall mission of Building Better Men. These programs allow for peer-led collaboration where chapters get to share their own unique strengths that help other chapters across North America. This international community of brothers couldn't exist without DU's educational programs."
- Aulden Maj-Pfleger, Alberta '22