Expansion News
Delta Upsilon is excited to rejoin the Bucknell University and University of Missouri campuses. This fall, DU staff, volunteers and alumni of both chapters have worked diligently to prepare for the expansion efforts.
As of the DU Quarterly publication deadline (Nov. 2), the Bucknell Colony had 20 members and its Colonization Ceremony took place Oct. 28. The Missouri Colony stood at 66 members at the time of publication, and its Colonization is scheduled for Nov. 11. Associate members for both groups have been active on campus and will continue to recruit more men.
The Fraternity is also happy to announce it has been selected to expand at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles in spring 2019. This will mark the first time Delta Upsilon has been at LMU. DU staff were on campus in October to begin the planning process. Those in the LA area interested in serving as an advisor or mentor for the group should contact Expansion & Development Director Hayden Rahn, Oregon ’16, at rahn@deltau.org. Membership referrals can be submitted at www.deltau.org/loyolamarymount.

If you would like to be involved in helping with a DU colony, contact Expansion & Development Coordinator Hayden Rahn, Oregon ’16, at rahn@deltau.org.