Fraternity Elects New Secretary and Undergraduate Directors

July 29, 2019 - During the 2019 Leadership Institute in Indianapolis, Delta Upsilon elected a new Secretary and Undergraduate Directors for the International Fraternity's Board of Directors. On Friday, July 26, Aaron Emalfarb, Maryland '20, and Nikkoh Mendoza, Bradley '20, were named Undergraduate Directors. Dr. Aaron Clevenger, Central Florida '97, was named the Fraternity's new Secretary on Saturday, July 27.
Undergraduate Directors serve one-year terms on the Board of Directors and are elected by the Undergraduate Convention, the undergraduate arm of DU's bicameral legislature. Emalfarb is a past member of the Undergraduate Advisory Board, and Mendoza was named DU's 2019 Chapter President of the Year.
Clevenger becomes International Fraternity Secretary after serving as an Alumni Director on the Board since 2012. Clevenger has served the Fraternity in a number of roles since his Initiation. As an undergraduate, he served as a member of the Undergraduate Advisory Board. Following graduation, he went on to join the Fraternity staff as a Leadership Consultant. He has also served as an Alumni Chapter President, Alumni Corporation President, Chapter Advisor and DU educational program facilitator. Clevenger was elected to the role by the Assembly of Trustees, DU's alumni legislative body.
Per the Delta Upsilon Constitution & By-laws, the Fraternity's Nominating Committee presented a slate of alumni nominees to undergraduate and alumni chapters 60 days prior to the vote. Undergraduate Directors had to apply for the position prior to the Leadership Institute and were elected following speeches given by each candidate during the Undergraduate Convention.
Delta Upsilon's Board of Directors is tasked to manage DU's financial and strategic operations and directs the International Fraternity Headquarters staff to execute that strategic vision. No new alumni were elected to the board in 2019. Those with terms expiring in 2019 were each re-slated and re-elected.
Those alumni elected in 2019 (with terms expiring in 2021) were:
- Robert S. Lannin, Nebraska '81 - Chairman
- Dr. Aaron D. Clevenger, Central Florida '97 - Secretary
- James Bell, Calgary '94 - Director
- Bruce V. Howard, San Diego State '70 - Director
- Lynn D.W. Luckow, North Dakota '71 - Director
Continuing officers and directors with terms expiring in 2020 are:
- Thomas Durein, Oregon State '92 - President
- David P. Whitman, Indiana '75 - Treasurer
- Timothy C. Dowd, Oklahoma '75 - Director
- Dr. Andrew Dunham, San Jose '86 - Director
- Brad M. John, Iowa '96 - Director
- Dustin W. Roberts, Bradley '03 - Director