"’Ive included the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation in my estate plans for a very simple reason: membership in DU has enriched my life with opportunities, experiences, and a wide range of friendships, for which I’m profoundly grateful. These gifts of brotherhood have enduring value, are foundational to the human experience, and will, therefore, continue to benefit college students for generations to come. Accordingly, my participation in the Heritage Circle is simply an investment in the DU brothers of tomorrow."
Heritage Circle
The Heritage Circle honors living brothers and their families who have chosen to include the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation as a beneficiary in their will or estate plans. The prestigious society listed below includes brothers who have committed to Building Better Men for generations to come, and Heritage Circle members are honored on a permanent plaque at the Fraternity's International Headquarters.
Everett C. Johnson, ’62
Michael O. Johnson, ’90
Stuart D. Arias, ’17
Cory M. Dowell, ’98
Michael H. Sarra, ’64
Boise State
Justin J. Kirk, ’00
William J. Bittner, ’74
Robert A. Dahlsgaard, ’63
James G. Bell, ’94
Thomas M. Koehler, ’87
William M. Leete, ’58
Robert J. Miller, ’09
Nathaniel Szkil, ’07
Central Florida
Aaron D. Clevenger, ’97
Maurice S. Mandel, ’55
James D. McQuaid, ’60
Scott W. Wilson, ’73
Anthony B. Cashen, ’57
Philip G. Ranford, ’00
Bruce S. Bailey, ’58
Patrick D. Anderson, ’09
Eastern Kentucky
Robert E. Collins, ’74
Kevin J. Brown, ’13
John A. Delaney, ’77
Paul E. Rosenthal, ’73
Georgia Tech
Gregg A. Hines, ’11
H. P. Picard, ’82
Craig S. Sowell, ’92
Kim C. Cox, ’76
Craig R. Milkint, ’83
Trent A. Shepard, ’73
Craig D. Zelent, ’84
Shea M. Stanley, ’09
Iowa State
Colin P. Finn, ’05
Donald E. Larew, ’63
Richard D. Snyder, ’52
Johns Hopkins
Thomas E. Harrison, ’53
Lewis D. Gregory, ’75
Kansas State
William R. Gordon, ’60
Richard D. Sell, ’78
Long Beach
Ryan D. Jones, ’95
Brian E. Mudrick, ’82
Christopher J. Steis, ’78
William F. Darlin, ’56
Michigan State
David Franzetta, ’70
Michigan Tech
Adam A. Mitteer, ’03
David D. McKeag, ’04
Rodney L. Nelson, ’63
Terry J. Brady, ’62
Richard B. Campbell, ’68
Derek D. Dauel, ’15
Robert S. Lannin, ’81
Kelly S. Leach, ’85
Conor E. Tomac, ’17
North Carolina
Charles E. Downton, ’66
North Carolina State
Tyler K. Stevens, ’11
Richard X. Taylor, ’82
North Dakota
Rodney P. Kirsch, ’78
Eric H. Lybeck, ’97
North Dakota State
Clint M. Dworshak, ’00
North Florida
Zachary S. Thomas, ’09
Northern Arizona
Samuel Alboy, ’01
Jeffrey W. Sears, ’98
Northern Colorado
Stephan C. Davis, ’94
Northern Illinois
Jerry A. Dykhuisen, ’68
Jordan B. Lotsoff, ’88
Northern Iowa
Jeffrey L. Fuhrman, ’94
Stephen K. Rowley, ’65
Ohio State
Carroll L. Lurding, ’59
Gregory L. Haymon, ’77
Alvan E. Porter, ’65
Ben T. Walkingstick, ’52
John T. Weisel, ’48
Oregon State
Thomas F. Durein, ’92
Jordan L. Guess, ’13
Daniel C. Hauser, ’10
Bruce C. Anderson, ’65
Daryl W. Reisfeld, ’03
Michael McCormick, ’18
San Jose
Charles L. Miller, ’59
South Carolina
John C. Herron, ’88
Southern Illinois
Dave Maguire, ’73
John R. Dytman, ’71
Richard M. Holland, ’83
Steven L. Driever, ’69
Steven R. Fisher, ’87
Matthew A. Baer, ’80
Warren P. Nesbitt, ’76
Five Lester Cox Benefactors Memorialized
Lester Cox Benefactors are deceased alumni whose realized estate gifts are used to advance the Fraternity’s educational mission. This prestigious society is named in memory of Lester E. Cox, Pennsylvania 1898, who provided a transformational bequest to Delta Upsilon in 1971. His estate gift led to the construction of the International Fraternity Headquarters in Indianapolis where a plaque memorializes all Lester Cox Benefactors. Alumni who provide lasting generosity with estate gifts are truly Building Better Men forever.

W. Allen Perry, Iowa State '30
$292,367 Unrestricted Estate Gift
Although Brother Perry passed away in 1999, it wasn’t until the passing of his daughter in 2021 that two-thirds of his remaining trust were gifted to the DU Educational Foundation and the Iowa State Chapter. Thanks to a lasting friendship with past International Fraternity Executive Director and longtime Iowa State Chapter volunteer, Tom Hansen, Iowa State ’79, Brother Perry’s trust made an unrestricted gift of $292,367 to the DUEF, and a second unrestricted gift of $292,367 to the Iowa State Chapter. Brother Perry's generosity will leave a lasting legacy for future generations of DU undergraduates.
Dr. Frederick R. Ford, Purdue '58
$50,000 Unrestricted Estate Gift
Brother Ford was a longtime supporter of Delta Upsilon who served as the Executive Vice President and Treasurer of Purdue University for more than 20 years. Brother Ford made a lasting impact on Purdue University, the DU chapter at Purdue, and the DU Educational Foundation with his countless gifts of time, talent and treasure. The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation received an unrestricted $50,000 gift from Brother Ford’s Trust upon his passing, which will be used to advance Delta Upsilon’s Building Better Men programs and initiatives.
Waldemar Kirschbaum, Wisconsin '57
$1,500 Unrestricted Estate Gift
Brother Kirschbaum passed away in 2002, and upon the recent passing of his wife, Florence (Alpha Chi Omega), the DUEF received a $1,500 estate gift to be used wherever needed most. The generosity of this loyal couple will support DU educational programming.
R. David Tucker, Georgia Tech '59
$25,000 Unrestricted Estate Gift
Brother Tucker joined the Heritage Circle in 2017 and was inspired to leave an estate gift because, “the Fraternity gave me so much in my early years, including my first job thanks to the help of a fellow DU brother.” His unrestricted estate gift of $25,000 will be used to support the educational needs of today’s DUs.
Peter W. Bridgford, Northwestern '56
$3,767 Unrestricted Estate Gift
Brother Bridgford was a longtime supporter of the DUEF, which included more than 35 years of giving to the Annual Loyalty Fund. In fiscal year 2021-2022, the DUEF received a percentage of his estate totaling $3,767, which will benefit DU’s educational initiatives.