Fall 2024 Delta Upsilon Quarterly
Ignite The Charge
A story for DU's history books
The evening of Aug. 3, 2024, will go down as one of Delta Upsilon’s most historic moments, as the final results of the Ignite The Charge Campaign were revealed on stage at the Leadership Institute in Atlanta. But, like other signature moments throughout DU’s history, the story of this Campaign will be remembered as more than just one night of celebration or one major fundraising achievement. After three long years of hard work, sacrifice, generosity and commitment from DUs, parents and friends, the Ignite The Charge Campaign is now lighting the way for our Fraternity’s future. As we tell the story of the Campaign’s three-year journey, its final results, and its lasting future impact, let us always remember that Friendship, Character, Culture and Justice are the ideals that have and forever will advance our men, our Fraternity and our world.
A Rocky but Optimistic Beginning

By 2021, Delta Upsilon’s progress in membership, academics, leadership development and alumni support had solidified North America’s oldest non-secret Fraternity as the premier brotherhood experience for college men. Our results stemmed from a recently completed strategic plan that modernized DU’s Building Better Men mission. Cutting-edge educational programming, new chapter assessment tools, and volunteer coaching resources were just a few of the driving forces behind DU’s indisputable rise to prominence. Because of this success, the International Fraternity and Educational Foundation’s leadership wondered if the time was right to embark on a capital campaign to raise funds for DU’s continued success.
Despite our success at the time, several headwinds still faced the Fraternity in 2021. While our donor base had been strengthened as a result of the Fraternity’s progress, the vast majority of alumni were unaware and unengaged. The COVID-19 pandemic not only shifted the operations for many of our chapters and campuses, it also pointed out the need for updated technology within the Fraternity. Although the Educational Foundation was funding a record 12 educational program scholarships per chapter each year, it was clear that our best chapters were sending 30+ men annually, and many more men would attend if funding was available. Most troubling at the time was the fact that annual DUEF grants to the Fraternity could only cover 38% of the educational costs of existing Building Better Men initiatives. This reality was placing an unsustainable financial burden on the shoulders of our DU undergraduates and local alumni. These challenges—along with an uncertain higher education landscape and a growing public pressure for fraternities to prove their relevance—left some members of DU’s leadership wondering if a successful campaign could even be possible.
Rather than make a quick decision, the DUEF Board of Trustees decided to conduct a campaign feasibility study with the help of Johnson, Grossnickle & Associates—a reputable fundraising firm that specializes in helping nonprofit organizations (including many fraternities) test the viability and scope of a capital campaign. Over the course of three months, more than 30 top alumni donors were personally interviewed by the team of consultants. Additionally, all DU alumni received an electronic survey seeking donor motivations, focus areas for giving, and interest in supporting a multi-million dollar campaign at the International Fraternity level.
The original case materials shared during this process called for a $7.5 million campaign over a five-year period. The three main funding objectives were: the individual development of our undergraduates, the enhancement of our local chapters, and proving DU’s relevance through innovative research and initiatives aimed at meeting our future needs.
The final results of the feasibility study included two major recommendations from the fundraising consultants.
- First – Delta Upsilon should confidently move forward with a campaign supporting the three original funding objectives.
- Second – A $7.5 million campaign over a five-year period was not realistic. However, a smaller $5 million campaign over a three-year period was more achievable and would provide momentum for future fundraising efforts.
Although the second recommendation wasn’t exactly what DU leadership had hoped for, the rationale for executing a smaller campaign in a shorter time period was backed by the collective feedback from alumni. More importantly, the educational needs of the Fraternity weren’t going away, and in many ways, would increase in the years ahead. So, in April of 2021, the Board of Trustees tasked the DUEF staff with preparing a $5 million campaign project plan—a plan that would include a final case for support, a volunteer/staff leadership structure, a campaign name and brand, and many other strategic elements.
Time to Go Far, Not Fast
“Now is the time!”
These were the words of DUEF Chairman Lewis Gregory, Kansas ’75, during the Fraternity and Foundation’s Joint Board Meeting moments before the Leadership Institute kicked off in New Orleans on July 30, 2021. DUEF staff had just shared the campaign project plan and final strategy recommendations for a $5 million campaign over the next three years. Resounding agreement from all members of Delta Upsilon’s leadership quickly followed. With a clear uphill road ahead, the Ignite The Charge Campaign was officially underway.
The Campaign’s name was chosen to honor one of the Fraternity’s most cherished traditions during the Initiation Ceremony—THE CHARGE. And just like The Charge at Initiation, this Campaign needed to IGNITE a passion for Delta Upsilon in the hearts and minds of members, parents and friends everywhere.
Joining Brother Gregory in leading the Ignite The Charge Campaign would be former International Fraternity President E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri ’74. Brother McKinney was a clear choice for Campaign Chairman given his fundraising and chapter volunteer experience, his passion for the fraternal movement, and his humble and authentic demeanor.
An old African Proverb perfectly defines the sentiments in the room when Brother McKinney and Brother Gregory would step in to lead the Ignite The Charge Campaign:
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Unstoppable Early Momentum
Although only Delta Upsilon’s staff and Board members were aware of the Campaign and this bold fundraising decision, the excitement about the possibilities of the Ignite The Charge Campaign was hard to contain as the 2021 Leadership Institute continued. The same infectious momentum would follow in the weeks and months ahead as the staff and Campaign volunteers began a “top down and inside out” solicitation strategy at the start of the Campaign’s silent phase. These critical months included securing early gift commitments and the recruitment of a 17-person volunteer Campaign Cabinet that would serve throughout the Campaign’s entirety.
One by one, members the Fraternity and Foundation Boards—along with many top donors who participated in the feasibility study—stepped forward with their Campaign commitments. Yes, it was a bold and brave decision by DU’s leadership to endorse moving forward with the Ignite The Charge Campaign, but you cannot underscore how important it was that these same leaders gave gifts of time and treasure early in the Campaign. Their early support would provide critical momentum that would become unstoppable in the months and years ahead. Although the list of outstanding early Campaign commitments is too long to include everyone, below is a chronological summary of 11 of the most critical commitments secured in the first year of the Ignite The Charge Campaign.

It is worth highlighting that by the end of the Campaign:
- 8% of the campaign total would come from the DUIF Board of Directors
- 16% would come from the DUEF Board of Trustees
- 18% would come from other Campaign volunteers
These commitments, and many more unmentioned, were instrumental in securing early momentum. More importantly, the generosity shown by DU’s leadership honors the same “leading by example” mantra that the Fraternity’s educational programs strive to instill in our undergraduate members. Leadership through action matters! Delta Upsilon will forever be grateful for all those who stepped up early with stretch campaign commitments.
Campaign Goes Public with Increased Goal
As the silent phase of the Ignite The Charge Campaign continued into late spring 2022, it was growing harder to stay quiet about the Campaign’s progress. Personal outreach efforts from the Campaign Cabinet were a driving force in generating excitement and gift commitments from alumni across North America. In May 2022, the Campaign leadership met virtually to finalize plans for heading into the public phase. The 2022 Leadership Institute in Orlando would be the first major opportunity to announce the Campaign and its progress to the collective DU membership—and mass print, email and web communications were ready to follow. An astonishing $3.3 million had been secured for the Campaign by June 1, 2022, which prompted the decision to raise the overall goal to $6 million.
Although early commitments were numerous and significant, sharing the Campaign’s case with alumni outside DU’s inner circle (and hopefully securing their gift commitments) was more difficult and more time consuming. Maintaining continuous momentum is the hardest thing to do throughout a campaign, but the stage was set for a public launch at the Leadership Institute on Aug. 6, 2022. A Campaign video told the story of DU’s cherished history and highlighted ways the Campaign hoped to develop individuals, improve chapters, and secure the Fraternity’s vitality in the years ahead. Undergraduate DUs were quick to lead the applause as each early gift commitment was announced and the news that $3.9 million had already been secured toward the ambitious $6 million goal. This historic fundraising effort was now in the hands of all members and friends of Delta Upsilon.
These words from Campaign Chairman Bruce McKinney sum up the call to action and collective responsibility that were shared on stage that night:
“Yes, we all have different means, but everyone can do their part for this Campaign when asked. Whether you are a DU alumnus, undergraduate or friend of the Fraternity, our collective CHARGE is the same. Together we must bring honor to our Founding Principles through our gifts of time, treasure and leadership. I hope we all take this opportunity to show the world DU is here to stay, and our young men are more than worthy of our investment!”
More and More Answer The Charge
In the months that followed the Campaign’s public announcement, hundreds more would hear the story of Delta Upsilon’s progress and how the Campaign was beginning to shape the Fraternity’s future. A total of 18 Campaign receptions were held in cities across North America from 2022 to 2024, each hosted by either a willing Campaign supporter or a member of the Fraternity’s Board/Campaign leadership. All told, 541 alumni attended one of these regional receptions, which led to hundreds of gift commitments and countless conversations about the important work being done by Delta Upsilon.
The motivating factors for each donor can be drastically different, but many were inspired to give because of an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the impact the Fraternity made (and was still making) on their lives. Others held a deep passion for their DU chapters and wanted to give in ways that directly supported the educational needs of undergraduates at the local level. Although each donor’s motivation was different, there remained a universal belief that DU’s Four Founding Principles were a clear recipe for success for our young men, our communities and our collective society.
With only one year remaining before the conclusion of the Ignite The Charge Campaign, the Fraternity Board and Campaign leadership met at the Leadership Institute in Kansas City on July 29, 2023. There were three major strategies ready to deploy in the Campaign’s final year, and each addressed one of the consistent giving motivations heard from alumni. In the final year of the Campaign, thousands of DUs and friends would be asked to support this historic effort, and the end goal was to maximize support for the Campaign from as many donors as possible.
The three key strategies of the final year were:
- Annual Loyalty Fund 1:1 and 3:1 Challenge Gift – Thanks to DU’s top lifetime donor, Paul Edgerley, Kansas State ’78, donors who made one-time gifts to the Annual Loyalty Fund would have their gift matched 1:1. However, those who agreed to make a five-year commitment would have their collective giving total matched 3:1. In other words, a donor who gave $500 per year for five years ($2,500 total) would receive a $7,500 match from Brother Edgerley, resulting in a $10,000 impact on the Campaign!
- Ambassadors Promote Chapter Legacy Plan Endowments – Fourteen additional Campaign Ambassadors were recruited and trained on the Campaign case. These volunteers spent the final year enlisting support from their chapter alumni for an existing or newly created Chapter Legacy Plan (CLP). CLPs are endowment funds held at the DUEF that provide educational programming scholarships directly to the local chapter each year.
- Heritage Circle Premium Offered to Secure Estate Gifts – Leaving an estate gift to the DUEF remains a fantastic way for donors to support the Fraternity. To entice more brothers to join the Foundation’s Heritage Circle by documenting estate gifts to Delta Upsilon, the Foundation partnered with longtime DU Historian Craig Sowell, Houston ’92, who had released an updated edition of “Revealing the Non-Secrets: The History of the Founding and Founders of Delta Upsilon Fraternity.” Autographed copies of the book were sent to any DU who joined the Heritage Circle or upgraded his previously documented estate gift as a part of the Campaign.
These strategies, along with the continued hard work of Campaign volunteers, Board members and staff, put Delta Upsilon in a very favorable position by spring 2024. The Campaign was quickly approaching the $6 million mark, which brought forward one major question.
“If surpassing the goal was possible, just how far past $6 million could we go?”
The final weeks leading up to the 2024 Leadership Institute in Atlanta were some of the most fun and rewarding professional moments for the DU staff. Not only were the final donors stepping forward to support the Campaign, but many members of DU’s leadership and inner circle—those who had already provided early momentum for the Campaign with their gifts— decided to stretch their Campaign commitments even further with the hope of helping DU achieve a milestone none thought possible.
Delta Upsilon staff created several campaign videos throughout the Ignite The Charge Campaign. The first was shown at the 2022 Leadership Institute in Orlando to announce the public phase of the Campaign. The second was shown at the 2023 LI in Kansas City to detail the Campaign's progress going into its final year. The final video was shown at the 2024 LI Grand Banquet in Atlanta before the Campaign's fundraising total was revealed.
Click here to view a YouTube playlist with each of the Campaign videos.
A Moment of Historic Celebration
Setting the stage for the announcement of the Campaign’s final results in Atlanta was International Fraternity President Tom Durein, Oregon State ’92, who told the story of how the Campaign came to fruition. Joining him on stage were the two men most responsible for the Campaign’s efforts: Trustee Chairman Lewis Gregory and Campaign Chairman Bruce McKinney. These men introduced a final Campaign video that told the story of the Ignite The Charge Campaign, our major Campaign donors, and the many ways the Campaign has and will impact the future of Delta Upsilon.
To reveal the final Ignite The Charge Campaign results, a group of undergraduate leaders marched in single file onto the LI stage, each holding a large white sign. Although these men didn’t know beforehand, they were selected to help reveal the final results of the Campaign because each represented either a chapter receiving a 2024 Sweepstakes Award or was a finalist for the Distinguished Undergraduate Award.
One by one, each number of the final Campaign results were revealed, until ...

Results and Impact Summary

Resounding cheers filled the Grand Hyatt Atlanta’s ballroom when the $10,391,278 result was revealed. After initially being told that raising $7.5 million in five years’ time was unlikely, 2,136 alumni, undergraduates, parents and friends responded by more than doubling the original $5 million goal of the Ignite The Charge Campaign in just three short years—a feat more astonishing than anyone thought possible!
An unprecedented achievement worthy of celebration, yes, but what does the Campaign’s success REALLY mean for Delta Upsilon and our future? Although some donors have already completed their Campaign commitments, others will fulfill their pledged support through fiscal year 2029 and/or through future estate gift commitments. The DUEF has already begun the significant responsibility of properly stewarding these generous gifts to the Campaign. Afterall, the most important result of a Campaign is not the final dollar amount raised, but how the charitable gifts are used to advance our members, our chapters, and our Building Better Men mission.
Although the Ignite The Charge Campaign’s full impact on Delta Upsilon’s future will expand over time, the chart on below shows just a few of the most notable outcomes our Ignite The Charge Campaign donors have made possible.

The Journey Ahead
Without question, the Ignite The Charge Campaign will continue to light the way for Delta Upsilon’s future for generations to come, and this historic achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the generous investments of brothers, parents and friends—all of whom believe greatly in our Building Better Men mission!
Nonetheless, the Fraternity’s future will not come without daunting challenges. As we approach our 190th anniversary on Nov. 4, 2024, we are already facing uphill battles when it comes to the decline in male college enrollment, the slowly decreasing size of DU’s donor base, alumni engagement challenges, and declining local chapter facilities. Although our hard work is far from over, we must remember that the Ignite The Charge Campaign was not just about advancing our Fraternity. Like many other significant moments in DU’s cherished history, the ongoing work of our members, chapters and volunteers is about a fundamental belief that Friendship, Character, Culture and Justice make all of us—and our collective society—much, much better.
On behalf of the DUIF Board of Directors, DUEF Board of Trustees, DU staff and all Campaign volunteers, THANK YOU for investing in today’s Delta Upsilon and in the future generations of men who will join our lifelong brotherhood.

Reflections written by Chief Advancement Officer Ryan King
Editorial assistance by Senior Director of Communications Ashley Schowengerdt and Director of Advancement Sean FitzGerald, Michigan ’12
Delta Upsilon is especially grateful to these volunteers for Lighting the Way throughout the Ignite The Charge Campaign. It was their generous gifts of time, talent and treasure that led to this historic achievement for our Building Better Men mission.
Campaign Chairman
E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri '74
Board of Trustees Chairman
Lewis Gregory, Kansas '75
Campaign Cabinet
Ralph Castner, Nebraska '85
Derrick Collins, Carthage '05
John Delaney, Florida '77
Tim Dowd, Oklahoma '75
Tom Durein, Oregon State '92
Rick Holland, Syracuse '83
Jordan Lotsoff, Northern Illinois '88
Maury Mandel, Chicago '55
Dave McKeag, Minnesota '04
Christopher Miller, Miami '90
Doug Reinhardt, Kansas State '80
Reid Ricciardi, Purdue '94
Paul Rosenthal, Florida '73
Steve Rowley, Ohio '65
Rick Taylor, NC State '82
Campaign Ambassadors
Greg Bissell, Missouri '01
Ben Case, Miami '03
Dave Garrison, Miami '90
Cassie Gerhardt & Brad Parrish, DU Parents
Scott Hahner, Rutgers '78
Bruce Howard, San Diego State '70
Bob Lannin, Nebraska '81
Michelle Marchand, Friend of DU
Kevin Miller, Carthage '99
John Roberts, Florida '86
Aaron Siders, Kansas State '04
Craig Sowell, Houston '92
Ryan Warner, Kansas State '80
Greg Wessling, North Carolina '74