Ignite the charge
The Why and The How
Ignite The Charge - The Why
Our members cite their individual growth and development as a major benefit of the DU experience, but currently, only 38% of costs for our developmental programming are being funded by the DUEF. This is putting significant financial strain on the backs of undergraduates and local DU chapters every year, and lack of funding is often why undergraduates don’t take advantage of the critical educational programs and resources being offered.
It is clear our programs and initiatives—including those offered regionally and at the local chapter level—make our DU chapters better. Our most consistently successful DU chapters send 30+ students to programs annually and utilize all Building Better Men resources. However, the entire Fraternity only averages 12 program participants per chapter each year. A thriving Delta Upsilon in the future begins with a commitment to bringing more programs and initiatives to students and volunteers at the local level.
Today’s students are hungry for a collegiate experience that affords them authentic friendships and opportunities for growth—qualities rarely found in the typical classroom. Solidifying DU as a vital collegiate experience requires significant investment to enhance our current programming and develop new initiatives to ensure our founding ideals nurture and inspire the college men of tomorrow.

Ignite The Charge - The How
Individual Development - $2.4 million
$2.4 million will Ignite the Charge of individual development by:
- Funding the annual Presidents Academy for all DU Chapter Presidents.
- Launching a second session of the Emerging Leaders Experience (DUEL) which inspires undergraduates to live according to the founding ideals of Delta Upsilon.
- Creating an ongoing member development program with local chapter activities, self-paced exploration, and online education sessions using modern technology.
- Funding 1,500+ educational program experiences annually, which removes the financial burden on local chapters and undergraduates.

Chapter Enhancement - $2.3 Million
$2.3 million will Ignite the Charge of chapter enhancement by:
- Establishing an endowment to ensure 25 DU chapters receive customized Building Better Men Retreats each year.
- Funding scholarships for five Regional Leadership Academies benefitting all individual chapter officers and executive committees, annually.
- Ensuring local chapter advisors learn effective coaching and operational best-practices at the Advisory Academy.
- Launching Chapter Legacy Plans to allow alumni to endow 15 or more educational program scholarships exclusively for their DU chapter.
Fraternal Relevance & Innovation - $1.3 million
$1.3 million will Ignite the Charge of Fraternal relevance & Innovation by:
- Launching a new Senior Leadership Experience for undergraduate seniors and distinguished DU alumni focused on professional development and career coaching.
- Funding three years of the DYAD Membership Outcomes Assessment, which measures DU’s educational programming and undergraduate behaviors, values and problem-solving skills.
- Ensuring DU serves as a leader within the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) through ongoing advocacy and research initiatives.
- Investing in modern technologies that enhance our programs and provide local chapters with online coaching and ongoing developmental webinars.