Missouri Chapter Reinstalled

Nov. 4, 2019 - Congratulations to Delta Upsilon's Missouri Chapter! A year after its recolonization, the chapter was officially reinstalled into the Fraternity on Nov. 2, 2019. The chapter was first established Dec. 6, 1924 as DU's 54th chapter, but closed in 2016.
The Stotler Lounge in the Memorial Union at the University of Missouri campus in Columbia played host to the Reinstallation Ceremony and Rite II of Initiation. Dozens of Missouri Chapter alumni, parents, university officials and friends of DU were in attendance. The Ritual team consisted of International Fraternity Board Chairman Robert Lannin, Nebraska '81, as Master; Chuck Hatley, Missouri '80, as Examiner; Jeff Kruetz, Missouri '99, as Chief Marshal; and J.C. Emerson, Missouri '62, as Chaplain. The Charge Address was given by Past International Fraternity President and longtime Missouri Chapter volunteer Bruce McKinney, Missouri '74.
Ninety-one undergraduate men were initiated into the Missouri Chapter during the event. A reception was held at the chapter house prior to the ceremonies.
"Delta Upsilon is proud to return to the University of Missouri," said Executive Director Justin Kirk. "Thanks to the support from our Missouri alumni, the chapter has returned strong with men eager to uphold our Four Founding Principles. Any chapter chartering is an exciting event, but even more so when it marks the return of one of our Old Gold chapters."
Expansion efforts began for the Missouri Chapter's return in fall 2018. In its year as a colony, the group focused its efforts on recruitment, campus involvement and service.
Congratulations to the Missouri Chapter!
Missouri Chapter Initiates
Jacob Ahearn
Dom Arras
Jose Ayala
Carson Bair
Jake Baldus
Kyle Bals
Michael Barch
John Baur
Andrew Beckerdite
Jack Bell
Evan Berndt
Zack Bievenue
Daniel Bingham
Dylan Boyer
Justin Bruno
Marcus Buchanan
Alex Burden
Jake Burnett
John Calandrella
Devin Callahan
Joe Carroll
Kason Carter
Chase Chick
Eli Chiles
Caesare Conte
Nathan Cowie
Thomas Crippen
Ryan Crothers
Kyle Dismukes
Jake Domalewski
Alex Dow
Ryan Dycus
Lucas Elliott
Anthony Esposito
Nathan Etheridge
Patterson Fallis
Patrick Finnane
Sam Furrer
Tyler Gillum
Chance Gotsch
Chad Hackler
Briggs Hall
Andrew Halter
Nate Henks
Matthew Hensey
Ashton Hess
George Hibbard
Matthew Hill
Blake Holliday
Connor Hurley
Isaac Hylton
Colin Kalish
Jackson Karas
Connor Kathrinus
Cole Kearby
Payton Kearns
Dylan Klossen
Andrew Krause
Zach Lakamp
David Lees
Frank Licavoli
Scott Limbaugh
Tanner Logel
Quinn Lowery
Justin Marrs
Anthony Martin
Nathan Martin
Gavin Maschmeyer
Eric Mastis
Will McLeese
Russell Mitchell
Trenton Moore
Joey Napolitano
Henry Niere
Hunter Nyquist
Jonny Paneitz
Shyamal Patel
Braydon Pemberton
Nathan Rood
Mason Scheidler
Sam Schudy
Deacon Sears
Jack Shaw
Dawson Shively
Anthony Sirna
Brendan Spicer
Trent Tarantino
Gaven Vaughan
Ben Vossen
Skyler Wickiser
Drew Willingham