MLK DAy of Service IDEAS

Jan. 15, 2020 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day provides an opportunity to reflect on the life of this legendary man and his teachings while serving our community. While many have this day off work or school, we are encouraged to stay "on" and take the day to serve others.
In 2021, there are still many ways you can participate in the MLK Day of service in virtual or limited contact capacities. Check out this list of ideas and visit to search for volunteer opportunities in your community.
- Host a discussion about Dr. King's life, teaching and principles of non-violence.
- Assist with job readiness.
- Resume writing/review
- Dress for Success
- Mock interviews
- Provide food assistance.
- Serve meals at a shelter
- Work with local service like Meals on Wheels
- Organize/participate in a food drive
- Volunteer at a food pantry
- Promote health futures.
- Donate blood
- Register to be a bone marrow or organ donor
- Beautify the community.
- Remove graffiti from a building
- Help create a community green space
- Clean up a local park or road
- Prepare for an emergency or crisis
- Distribute fire safety information
- Make disaster preparedness kits