Share your DU story Sept. 12 using #myFraternity

Aug. 21, 2018 - Delta Upsilon is excited to join the North-American Interfraternity Conference and other men's fraternities to support the myFraternity campaign.
myFraternity is a proactive campaign for fraternity men to share personal stories about how their fraternity has provided support, engaged in them in service, helped them grow or enriched their lives in other ways. The campaign will begin with a kick off social media day on Wednesday, Sept. 12, and continue throughout the year to share the successes of fraternity undergraduates, chapters and alumni through various channels of communication.
Each Delta Upsilon chapter and member (undergraduate or alumnus) is encouraged to share his story Sept. 12, then continue to use #myFraternity on social media throughout the year as they share posts related to the power of the fraternity experience. Posts can talk about friendship, mentors, service, personal development, career preparation and more. Post should not promote the negative stereotypes of fraternities.
To receive reminders about the Sept. 12 Social Media Day, text "myfraternity" to 25827.
More information and resources can also be found at www.myfraternitylife.org. On this site, brothers also have the opportunity to submit a video (30 seconds or fewer) of them explaining how Delta Upsilon has positively impacted them or their community. Video submissions may be featured in upcoming myFraternity promotions.
The NIC hosted a virtual Town Hall about the campaign for DU members on Monday, Aug. 20. If you were unable to attend this webinar and would like to learn more, you can view the myfraternity Town Hall recording here.
Help Delta Upsilon and our interfraternal brethren raise the volume and rewrite the narrative about fraternity membership. Together, we can help the good stories break through and show the world how fraternity membership prepares us for life, builds us into better men, and positively impacts our communities.
- Social Media Day: Sept. 12, 2018
- View the Town Hall with more information on how you and your chapter can participate.
- Text "myfraternity" to 25827 to receive reminders
- Upload a 30-second video sharing your story to www.myfraternitylife.org
- Share your story Sept. 12 and throughout the year using #myFraternity