Named Endowment funds
Named endowment funds ensure a donor’s giving makes an impact forever. A minimum pledge of $25,000 is required to establish a named endowment fund, and the funds are subject to a 4% annual spend rate (based on the prior 12-quarter fund average). Alumni chapters can also establish a Chapter Education or Housing Account (CEA/CHA), which are not subject to the 4% spending policy and provide grants to chapters for educational needs.
Educational Program Funds
Providing these annual educational program scholarships
Roy F. Allan Scholarship
Sandy and Bruce S. Bailey Scholarship
Lisa and William J. Bittner Scholarship
Richard B. Campbell Scholarship
Anthony B. Cashen Scholarship
Ralph W. Castner Family Scholarships
Richard L. Delano Scholarship
Charles E. Downton Scholarship
Clint M. Dworshak Scholarship
Craig R. Foss & Craig D. Vermie Scholarship
Stephen J. Frawley Scholarship
Jeffrey L. Fuhrman Scholarship
David A. Garrison Scholarship
Robert K. Gerometta Memorial Scholarship
Nicholas T. Giorgianni Scholarship
Gary J. Golden Memorial Scholarship
William R. Gordon Scholarship
Lewis D. Gregory Family Scholarship
William H. Harkey Scholarships
Gus H. Harwell, Jr. Scholarship
John C. Herron Scholarship
John W. Hoffman Memorial Scholarship
Troy E. Horine Memorial Scholarships
Bruce V. Howard Family Scholarship
Michael P. Hurley Memorial Scholarship
Brad M. John Family Scholarship
Scott A.W. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr. Scholarship
Martin Krasnitz Scholarship
Robert S. Lannin Family Scholarship
Allan M. Lansing Scholarship
Donald E. Larew Scholarship
David D. McKeag LI Scholarship
David D. McKeag Scholarship
Charles D. Miller Scholarships
Warren P. Nesbitt Scholarship
Alvan E. Porter Scholarships
Purdue Alumni Scholarship
Thomas S. Rakow Scholarship
William C. Rappolt Scholarship
John W. Rogers Scholarship
Neal D. Roper Memorial Scholarship
Paul E. Rosenthal LI Scholarship
Paul E. Rosenthal DUEL Scholarship
Christopher L. Saricks Scholarship
Roy E. Shaffer Scholarships
Donald C. Slawson Scholarship
Taylor Family Scholarship
David H. Wynja Scholarship
Tuition Scholarship Funds
Providing these annual merit-based tuition scholarships
Dennis H. Cheatham Memorial Scholarship
Ross K. Fuller Memorial Scholarship
Thomas R. Harney Scholarship
Roy J. Harney Memorial Scholarship
Dion L. Higgins Memorial Scholarship
Kansas State Rural Opportunity Scholarship
Kansas State Study Abroad Scholarship
Louisville Alumni Scholarships
Raymond E. Mason, Jr. Scholarship
James D. McQuaid Scholarships
Leonard E. Rhodes Memorial Scholarship
Nathaniel Sceva Memorial Scholarship
Robert J. Sovchik Memorial Scholarship

Recruitment Scholarship Funds
Providing annual merit-based recruitment scholarships
Bradley J. Marshall Recruitment Scholarship
Chapter Endowment funds
Providing annual funding for the educational needs of DU chapters
Bradley Chapter Legacy Plan
Bucknell Chapter Legacy Plan
Carthage Chapter Legacy Plan
Chicago Chapter Trust
Iowa State Chapter Legacy Plan
Kansas State Chapter Trust
Lafayette Chapter Legacy Plan
Miami Chapter Legacy Plan
Michigan Chapter Legacy Plan
Nebraska Chapter Legacy Plan
Nebraska Chapter Trust
Northern Iowa Endowment Fund
North Carolina Chapter Legacy Plan
NC State Chapter Legacy Plan
Oklahoma Chapter Legacy Plan
Oregon Chapter Legacy Plan
Purdue Chapter Legacy Plan
San Diego State Chapter Legacy Plan
San Jose Chapter Legacy Plan
(Edwin T. Mosher Endowment Fund)
Syracuse Chapter Legacy Plan
Operating Endowment funds
Providing annual operating grants for DUEF programs and initiatives
Robert J. Black Endowment Fund
Wilford A. Butler, Jr. Endowment Fund
John A. Delaney Family Endowment Fund
Endowment for Chapter Leadership
James N. Graham Emerging Leaders Fund
Charles Evan Hughes DUEL Fund
Maurice S. Mandel Scholarship Fund
Brian E. Mudrick Family Endowment Fund
Oak Circle Endowment Fund