Northwestern Reinstallation

May 7, 2018 - After five years away from campus, Delta Upsilon's Northwestern Chapter has officially returned. The Reinstallation Ceremony was held Sunday, May 6. The Northwestern Chapter was first installed Oct. 27, 1880, as the Fraternity's 25th chapter.
The Alice Millar Chapel on the Evanston, Illinois campus played host to the Reinstallation Ceremony and Rite II of Initiation, which were attended by alumni, parents, friends and university officials. The Ritual team consisted of Executive Director Justin Kirk, Boise State '00, as Master; DU Educational Foundation Director of Advancement Colin Finn, Iowa State '05, as Examiner; Leadership Consultant Tyler Vasquez-Dorn, Rochester '17, as Chief Marshal; and advisor Jim Kluga, Purdue '13, as Chaplain. Robert Lannin, Nebraska '81, Chairman of the International Fraternity Board of Directors gave the Charge address.
"Delta Upsilon is proud to celebrate the Reinstallation of the Northwestern Chapter," Kirk said. "The chapter has a long history with the Fraternity that is 138 years in the making. We look forward to seeing great things from the chapter in the years to come."
Expansion efforts for the return of the Northwestern Chapter begin in spring 2016. After two years as a colony, the Fraternity is excited to recharter the group as a chapter of Delta Upsilon once again.
Congratulations to the Northwestern Chapter!
Northwestern Chapter Initiates
Alex Aguilar
Rohit Allada
Noah Alvarado
Jared Baas
Jacob Beran
Kyle Berke
Daniel Birnbaum
Devon Buckingham
Chris Burton
Isaac Bykhovsky
Steven Callejas
Elliot Chang
Wilson Chapman
Mathias Chorvat
Hunter Conway
Dylaan Cornish
Vin D’Avanzo
Nicholas David
Noah DeMar
Ryan Evenson
Marco Ferrando
Kevin Fitzmorris
Marcus Galeano
Grant Glazebrook
Navin Gopaul
Alan Grampp
Sasha Gurevich
Casey Henrickson
Benjamin Hyde
Logan Johnson
Noah Laughlin
Seamus McGuigan
Patrick Melendez
Pedro Mendes
Zachary Moore
Ari Mostow
Nathan Mostow
Barry Ng
Jonathan Panos
Grant Papastefan
Brandon Peck
Brad Posdal
Marco Radaelli
Joseph Rivera
Carter Rothman
Edoardo Rundeddu
Jihoon Shin
Jason Sun
Mark Teamerson
Nicolas Tyjeski
Christian Ubillus
William Wallace
Yichen Xu