Presidents ACademy and RLA Registration
Registration is now open for these winter 2023 programs.
Oct. 17, 2022 - Registration is now open for Delta Upsilon's 2023 Presidents Academy and Regional Leadership Academy. These educational programs are a highlight of the Fraternity's annual officer training.
Presidents Academy

Presidents Academy will be held Jan. 5-8, 2023, at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, Indiana. All Chapter Presidents are expected to attend this institute-style program with a curriculum that emphasizes the mission and Principles of Delta Upsilon as a foundation for effective chapter leadership. At Presidents Academy, Chapter Presidents are exposed to new ideas and possibilities and are encouraged to apply what they learn to their leadership role and responsibility. They learn from each other, stretch their boundaries, discover strengths and envision a more successful version of their chapter.
Registration for Presidents Academy closes Dec. 9, 2022. If a Chapter President is unable to attend, another Executive Board officer should register in his place.
Thanks to support from the DU Educational Foundation, there are no registration fees for Presidents Academy. Presidents may also be reimbursed for their travel. (See the Travel Reimbursement Form for more details.)
Register for Presidents Academy
Regional Leadership Academy

Each February, Delta Upsilon hosts five Regional Leadership Academies (RLA) in locations throughout the United States. These academies serve as a unique opportunity for chapter officers in a specific geographic region to attend sessions that span a wide range of topics affecting fraternity life. RLA is intentionally designed as an officer training platform to provide tangible skills needed for success as defined by the Delta Upsilon Officer Core Competencies.
All Chapter Executive Board officers are expected to attend RLA. Future chapter officers and advisors are also encouraged to attend. RLA includes 25 different breakout sessions and five general sessions that allow for extensive variety and depth in the educational content. Attendees participate in workshops, keynote presentations, team-based challenges and feedback sessions that help sharpen their personal skills and begin to understand effective organizational practices.
The Recruitment Symposium is held in conjunction with RLA. Chapter Vice Presidents of Recruitment are able to attend RLA without a registration fee provided they attend all Recruitment Symposium sessions while at RLA.
Registration for RLA is $250 per undergraduate plus the cost of travel. Registration prices for advisors vary by hotel room type.
Registration for RLA is due two weeks prior to the RLA you plan to attend.
RLA West | Feb. 3-5, 2023 | Portland, OR
RLA South | Feb. 3-5, 2023 | Atlanta, GA
RLA Northeast| Feb. 10-12, 2023 | Philadelphia, PA
RLA Great Plains | Feb. 10-12, 2023 | Kansas City, MO
RLA Midwest | Feb. 17-19, 2023 | Chicago, IL