Fall 2024 Delta Upsilon Quarterly
Recognizing our loyal donors

Lifetime Giving Wall
The DU Educational Foundation will forever be grateful for the DUs, parents and friends who provide gifts of time and treasure throughout their lives. The more lifelong donors committed to investing in our Building Better Men mission, the greater our Fraternity and our world will be. Thankfully, the DUEF has donors with more than $1,000,000 in lifetime giving, as well as younger brothers who have gifted $1,000 and counting. Along with recognition in the annual report, the Lifetime Giving Circles are on display on the Lifetime Giving Wall at the International Headquarters. This display commemorates the cumulative impact of our most loyal and generous donors and reminds future generations of the loyal DUs who came before them.
We invite you to visit www.deltau.org/annual-and-lifetime-giving for a full breakdown of how we recognize our Lifetime Giving Circles, beginning with our Circle of Loyal Brothers at over $1,000 all the way to our Dikaia Upotheke Circle at $1,000,000+ given over their lifetime.

Founders Memorial Courtyard
The Founders Memorial Courtyard stands as a lasting tribute to the DU Founders of 1834, and it is a great way for donors to etch their name in DU history. Bricks in the courtyard come with a $200 gift to the Annual Loyalty Fund, which is an investment in the educational development of today’s undergraduates.
Whether you want to add your own name to the courtyard, or want to honor/memorialize another DU brother, visitors to the International Headquarters each year see the many great DUs commemorated from our Fraternity’s history. Within the courtyard, the names of our 30 Founders are each engraved on their own brick. In the center of the courtyard is an engraved tablet with the Fraternity seal. Around that tablet, every DU chapter in history is recognized with a gray brick listing the chapter's name and founding date. Around the perimeter of the courtyard, bricks are divided into 30-brick sections, symbolizing our 30 Founders.
Visit www.deltau.org/founders-memorial-courtyard to learn more and to secure your own brick.
Consecutive Giving
The DUEF recognizes its most loyal consecutive giving donors with a star in the Honor Roll, followed by the number of consecutive years they have given, starting at 25 years. A loyal group of donors continues to raise the bar at 54 consecutive years of giving, and there are over 156 total donors who have given 25 years or more.
Newest addition to the 50+ Consecutive Years of Giving
"I have enjoyed my experience with DU and my time served as a Province Governor."
Robert Yingling, Missouri '62
Newest addition to the 25+ Consecutive Years of Giving
"My friendships with Delta Upsilon brothers have carried on for 50 years. I’ve taken many vacations with Illinois brothers from classes 1970-1975. Our last three-day vacation was in Lake Geneva with 22 brothers and 12 wives attending. Fun times!"
Mike McLees, Illinois '74