Registration open for du winter programs
Oct. 26, 2017 - Registration is now open for Delta Upsilon’s various winter educational programs.
Presidents Academy

Presidents Academy is designed to accelerate the growth and learning of DU’s chapter and colony Presidents each year. As most chapters follow a calendar-year officer structure, this academy helps Presidents lay the groundwork for a successful term in office.
Presidents from every chapter come together to participate in a four-day, institute-style program with a curriculum that emphasizes the Mission and Principles of Delta Upsilon as a foundation for effective chapter leadership.
2018 Presidents Academy
Jan. 4-7
Camp Tecumseh, Brookston, Indiana.
Registration is complimentary for attendees, and travel can be reimbursed provided travel itineraries and reimbursement requests are submitted. The registration deadline is Dec. 11, 2017.
Register for Presidents Academy
Regional Leadership Academy

The Regional Leadership Academy serves as the Fraternity’s largest undergraduate educational program of the year. Each February, IHQ staff facilitate the RLA in five locations throughout the United States. These academies serve as a unique opportunity for chapter officers in a specific geographic region to attend sessions that span a wide range of topics affecting fraternity life. RLA is intentionally designed as an officer training platform to provide tangible skills needed for success as defined by the Delta Upsilon Officer Core Competencies.
Both current and future chapter officers are invited to attend this interactive programming that is designed to help him tailor the RLA experience to his needs and role in the chapter.
2018 Regional Leadership Academy
Feb. 9-11
Portland, Oregon
Feb. 9-11
Atlanta, Georgia
Feb. 16-18
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Great Plains
Feb. 16-18
Kansas City, Missouri
Feb. 23-25
Chicago, Illinois
Cost is $225 per attendee. Registration deadlines vary by RLA session; each is two weeks prior to the event.
Recruitment Symposium

Held in conjunction with the RLA, the Recruitment Symposium is an officer training program for DU’s Vice Presidents of Membership Recruitment. This programming track allows participants to learn recruitment models, best practices and soft skills to help them lead a successful values-based recruitment and selection process within their chapters and colonies.
2018 Recruitment Symposium
Held in conjunction with RLA
Registration deadlines for the Recruitment Symposium are the same as RLA deadlines. Brothers can register using the same registration form as RLA. There is an option to select Recruitment Symposium.

The Advisors Academy provides learning for individuals who interact regularly with a DU chapter or colony in an advisory role. Held in conjunction with the RLA, the Advisors Academy will help advisors learn and apply best practices, discover resources, explore student development theory, formulate a personal advising plan, and more.
2018 Advisors Academy
The Saturday of RLA from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Registration deadlines for the Advisors Academy are the same as RLA deadlines. Advisors can register using the same registration form as RLA. There is an option to select Advisors Academy. Advisors are also welcome