Scholarship applications now open

Jan. 10, 2019 - McQuaid and Oak Circle scholarship applications from the DU Educational Foundation are now open! Ten McQuaid Scholarships will be awarded, while each chapter/colony will be given at least one Oak Circle Scholarship.
McQuaid Scholarships
The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation currently awards up to 10 merit-based undergraduate and graduate scholarships of $1,000 each academic year, known as McQuaid Scholarships. Scholarship money can be used to help DU members offset the cost of obtaining their degrees.
Along with the application form, students must provide an official copy of their transcripts and at least one letter of recommendation. Both undergraduate and graduate students must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA or better (on a 4.0 scale), be an initiated member in good standing with Fraternity, and be enrolled as a full-time student. Consideration will be given to leadership involvement, extra curricular activities and community service.
McQuaid Scholarship applications are due June 1.
Oak Circle Scholarships
Each DU chapter/colony will be guaranteed an Oak Circle Scholarship in 2019. These scholarships are used for undergraduate brothers to attend the North American Interfraternity Conference's Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute.
Each summer, UIFI brings fraternity men and sorority women together for an immersive educational experience. Students travel to Indiana University for a week of programming intended to help them identify the leader they want to be and where they can make the most impact in their chapter, council or community. Together students define the challenges that Greek communities face today, and leave excited to address those challenges back on campus – all while developing skills that are useful in and out of fraternity and sorority life.
Multiple UIFI sessions are offered each summer, making it easy for DU brothers to find one that fits into their schedule.
The priority application deadline for Oak Circle Scholarships is March 1. However, applications will still be accepted after that time.
Have questions about the McQuaid or Oak Circle Scholarships? Contact the DUEF's Development Director Meghan Bender at or (317) 875-8900.