Supporting our Chapters

“I have seen and am convinced that DU leadership is using my contributions effectively through their educational programs and initiatives to actually develop better men”
- Ron Peyton, Indiana ’70

Andrew Schmidt, Oregon ’21, joined the Oak Circle with a gift of $18.34 and led his chapter to win the McKeag Award for the highest percentage of membership participation in the Oak Circle.

Andrew Martin, Washington State ’05, used his employers' matching gift to join the President’s Club along with 115 other donors.

Joshua Katz, Central Florida ’97, makes his monthly recurring gift to support the Annual Loyalty Fund and his chapter's CEA.

William Sigman, Iowa State ’50, joined the Heritage Circle to leave a legacy by including the Foundation in his estate plans. Brother Sigman is now a Lester Cox Benefactor, and his estate gift benefited both the Annual Loyalty Fund and the Iowa State Chapter Legacy Plan.
“The DU programming today helps put our values in action. By going to the Leadership Institute and Regional Leadership Academy, undergraduates have an opportunity to talk and work with men from other chapters—and this broadens their view and supports their experience of the Four Founding Principles. To this day, people tell me that DU has an authenticity they want to be part of. DU provides an opportunity for wisdom, guidance, encouragement, to dig deeper, to try harder, and put our values in action.
I don’t know where I would be without DU, but I am a different person because of it. DU provided the fuel—through the Founding Principles, chapter retreats, and other programs—to develop values and incorporate them into my life.”
- Dan Ladendorf, Indiana ’83
Indiana Chapter Advisor