Syracuse Chapter Reinstalled

Jan. 29, 2018 - After more than two decades, Delta Upsilon once again has an active chapter at Syracuse University. A year after its recolonization, the Reinstallation Ceremony was held in the campus' beautiful Hendricks Chapter on Saturday, Jan. 27.
The Syracuse Chapter became Delta Upsilon's 22nd chapter when it originally installed Nov. 14, 1873. It went inactive in 1971, then reopened in 1976. It would close again in 1996 before expansion efforts would begin again in fall 2016. The Recolonization Ceremony was held just a year prior to the Reinstallation, on Jan. 28, 2017.
Upon recolonization, the Syracuse Colony quickly began to meet the requirements necessary to recharter. These requirements and expectations are set to help the colony grow into a successful chapter and include benchmarks for recruitment, chapter operations, campus involvement and more.
Rite I of Initiation was held for 73 men on Friday evening, Jan. 26. Rite II and the Reinstallation Ceremony were held Saturday evening with a reception for the new brothers and guests immediately following. Fraternity Executive Director Justin Kirk, Boise State '00, served as Master; Mike Whalen, Syracuse '85, as Examiner; Kevin Stein, Syracuse '83, as Chief Marshal; and Jacob Ellis, Purdue '16, as Chaplain. Chairman of the International Fraternity Board of Directors Robert Lannin, Nebraska '81, gave the Charge address.
For a unique experience, click here to watch the chapter's Facebook Live recording of the Reinstallation.
Congratulations to the Syracuse Chapter!
Syracuse Chapter Initiates
Abdulaziz Al-Sulaiti
Sean M. Andersen
Justin P. Bachman
Darren J. Barnowitz
Benjamin Bierstaker
Liam Burns
Matt Campos
Maxmillian L. Cohan
Tyler Crouch
Noah Cyr
Ryan J. Czerwinski
Adam Czudak
Lucas D’Aversa
Lazare de Montille
Evan J. DeCastro
Vincent DiPaola
John A. Dowling
Dwayne T. Ellmore *
Ryan Errico
Daniel Fissora
James C. Franco
Joshua Gallup
Matthew Gauthier
Gregory Goullet
Davon Grant
Garrett S. Greco
Benjamin M. Grodsky
Isaac Guzman
Donovan Harris
Henry B. Howard
Zachariah Johnson
Mitchell R. Jones
Curtis Jorgensen
Alexander Khan
Marc Kurek
John R. Lauer
Paul N. Laukaitis
Bryton Lawrence
Jeremy D. Mail
Andre Marques
Kellan C. Massino
Bryan Matta
David Mishkin
Hansl Mo
Matthew Neumann
Benjamin T. Nordwick
Jonathan Nunes
Jacob R. O’Hearn
Christopher Panaro
Christopher J. Petosa
Matthew V. Plattner
Christopher Polera
Kevin M. Porter
Camillo D. Piarulli *
David L. Raice
Andrew C. Regalado
Chris Romano
Matthew Rosenthal
Jake Ryan
Ricardo A. Santos *
CJ Santosuosso
Aryeh H. Schnitzer *
Colin W. Spaulding
Elliot Srikantia *
Larry M. Stansbury
Mason Stavalone
Sean P. Tierney
Byron Tollefson *
Nicholas L. Turturro
James Twyman
Samuel Weber
Noah Wolfe *
Jack Woltman
Alumni Initiates
Jerrel A. Burgo
Mateo Diaz
Will Gorman
Matthew Nolan
* denotes studying abroad and will be initiated upon return