Vermont Chapter REinstalled

April 30, 2018 - After 164 years, the Vermont Chapter has made its return as an active chapter in the Fraternity. With the Reinstallation Ceremony held on Sunday, April 29, one of Delta Upsilon's first seven chapters is officially back.
Soon after the DU's founding at Williams College in 1834, the Fraternity, then known as "The Social Fraternity," began to find like-minded organizations on other campuses. Together, these non-secret groups banded together to form the Anti-Secret Confederation (A.S.C.). The Vermont Chapter joined the A.S.C. in 1850, making it the seventh chapter in the Fraternity.
Unfortunately, the Vermont Chapter withdrew from the A.S.C. in 1854, four years before the name Delta Upsilon would be adopted. With its Reinstallation, the Vermont Chapter celebrates not only its return, but becoming a chapter of Delta Upsilon for the first time.
"The International Fraternity is thrilled to have the Vermont Chapter back as an active chapter in the Fraternity," said Executive Director Justin Kirk, Boise State '00. "To have one of our oldest chapters return to the fold is an exciting and momentous occasion in the history of our great Fraternity."
Despite having only been a part of the A.S.C. for four years, the Vermont Chapter has a storied history of spreading non-secrecy to the University of Vermont campus. After leaving the A.S.C., the group remained active as a local fraternity known as Delta Psi and kept many of the same ideals as Delta Upsilon. Delta Psi remained active for 153 years until it closed in 2007. Delta Upsilon began its expansion efforts on campus during the 2014-2015 academic year.
The Reinstallation Ceremony and Rite II of Initiation were held at the John Dewey Memorial Lounge on campus April 29. With family, friends and university officials in attendance, 31 men (including one alumnus) were initiated into Delta Upsilon. The Ritual team included Dominic Greene, Oregon '99, as Master; International Fraternity Board of Directors Undergraduate Director Walter Oliff, Central Florida '18, as Examiner; Ryan Azer, Clarkson '19, as Chief Marshal; and Joshua Raboin, Clarkson '19, as Chaplain. The Charge address was given by past Fraternity board member Rick Holland, Syracuse '83.
Congratulations to the Vermont Chapter!
Vermont Chapter Initiates
Justin Abbott
Maxwell Allen
Clifford Baird
Chris Carlos
Spencer DeVito
Samuel Disman-Eagar
Luke Faulkner
John Ferrone
Merrit Gleason
Callum Hall
Jonathan Lagoy
Michael Langham
Liam Millens
Jackson Montgomery
Pablo Murphy-Torres
Owen Page
William Petty
Kevin Puleo
Jack Robert
Michael SanGiacomo
Addison Spitzer
Michael St. Germain
Samuel Stone
Christopher Sullivan
Thomas Switzgable
Austen Thum
Brandt Vermillion
Nicholas Wittmeier
Raymond Wofford III
Luke Zarzecki
Alumni Initiate
Blake Hewgill