Virginia Chapter CEntennial

Nearly 250 brothers and guests gathered to celebrate the Virginia Chapter’s Centennial the weekend of April 8-10, 2022. Alumni organizers used the milestone anniversary to not only reconnect brothers to the Fraternity, but to celebrate the history and future of the chapter.
The weekend began Friday, April 8 with a welcome reception in the barrel room at Septenary Winery at Seven Oaks Farms in Greenwood, Virginia, followed by a kick-off celebration at the chapter house that evening.
Saturday morning featured a “Wounded Duck” golf tournament at Birdwood Golf Course that drew 28 brothers, with one sponsored undergraduate playing with each foursome. Saturday brunch at the Colonnade Club drew 124 people prior to the chapter’s Initiation Ceremony in the Dome Room of the UVA Rotunda. At Initiation, approximately 70 undergraduates, 100 alumni and 20 guests were in attendance. That evening, an Anniversary Party was held at the historic Jefferson Theater on the Downtown Mall and featured remarks, an awards ceremony and music by The John Byrnes Band (a rock band led by Brother John Byrnes, Virginia ’07). Nearly 235 people attended this event.
Finally, before heading home Sunday, guests had one last chance to visit the chapter house for a light continental breakfast.
Planning for the centennial weekend began two years in advance. Plans included not only those for special events, but also the development of a centennial logo and merchandise, an updated website, chapter historical research, and a collection of chapter memorabilia including chapter composites that needed replaced in the chapter house. While numerous brothers were involved in planning, five took on the bulk of the planning: Mark Graff, Virginia ’23; Greg Faulk, Virginia ’04; James Gill, Virginia ’11; Paul Hodskins, Virginia ’12; and Jay Hoover, Virginia ’81.
“We wanted to commemorate our 100th anniversary with a weekend of events that would honor the date's historical significance while interesting and drawing as many of our far-flung alumni as possible,” said Hoover, who has served as the Alumni Chapter President for the last 22 years. “I believe we succeeded. We held the largest-ever gathering of our chapter's brotherhood. Alumni representing seven decades of our chapter's heritage traveled from as far away as Hawaii to attend. They enjoyed several great social events held in historic venues, which I hope created fantastic memories, promoted new friendships and brought old friends closer.”
Chapter History
The Virginia Chapter’s history begins in 1919 as the university saw an enrollment boom post-war. Seeing the need for more fraternities on campus, two second years made the decision to start a new local fraternity. One of these men happened to have a roommate who had transferred to Virginia from New York University, where he had been a member of Delta Upsilon. From here, the local fraternity Delta Alpha was formed and petitioned Delta Upsilon for membership. Membership was eventually granted, and the Virginia Chapter was officially installed as Delta Upsilon’s 53rd chapter on April 8, 1922.

A specialty cake was made for the Virginia centennial celebration.

John, Byrnes, Virginia '07, played the Anniversary Party Saturday night.

The Virginia Chapter hosted its Initiation Ceremony during the centennial weekend.

Weekend festivities began with a reception at Septenary Winery at Seven Oaks Farms.