Alumni Chapter News

A strong contingent of Fresno Chapter Delta Upsilon alumni gathered for a football game at Bulldog Stadium on Oct. 26.
Washington State
The Washington State Chapter’s class of 1969 held a 50-year reunion this September in Spokane. Seventeen of the 23 surviving brothers were in attendance, with spouses and guests bringing the total to more than 50 people. The reunion weekend included a golf outing, casino trip and gala. A special video presentation with photos of the brothers from throughout the years was a highlight of the reunion. The class of 1969 hopes that this event will inspire other classes to also celebrate milestone anniversaries and reconnect with one another and Delta Upsilon.
Western Michigan
Western Michigan Chapter alumni love attending Homecoming together each year. This year, around 70 people were in attendance. The alumni chapter also annually donates $1,000 to a charity of choice, in addition to providing scholarships to children or grandchildren of Western Michigan Chapter alumni.