Chapter News
*Reflects submissions to DU Quarterly by Jan. 15 deadline. News from the spring term will be included in the summer issue.
Cal Poly
With most classes and campus activities held in a virtual format this fall, the Cal Poly Chapter remained connected and involved through virtual meetings and events, as well as some members still able to live in the chapter house. One successful event was the continuation of its annual DU Dogfest to raise money for Canine Companions for Independence. The chapter sold long-sleeve pocket T-shirts and raised $6,000 in support of the organization. The men are also proud to have welcomed 12 new brothers through virtual recruitment this fall.
In partnership with the chapter alumni, the Carthage Chapter created a new event called Alumni Teaching Moment. Every two weeks, the chapter hosts alumni via Zoom to discuss a topic related to the Fraternity, such as brotherhood, traditions, diversity, networking and more. The fun program helps alumni stay connected and benefits the chapter members by presenting new ideas and personal development.
On Nov. 1, a group of Carthage Chapter brothers worked to clean part of Highway 31 as part of the Adopt A Highway program.

Central Florida
The Central Florida Chapter is proud to welcome nine new brothers who joined the Fraternity this fall. While recruitment and associate member education were held mostly virtually, the men were able to learn about DU and create relationships with one another. Weekly virtual chapter meetings have also helped keep the officers and initiated members on track.
Christopher Newport
The pandemic has been hard on all students, especially seniors who have missed out on a number of traditions. To celebrate the seniors who had their spring 2020 semester cut short, the Christopher Newport Chapter hosted a senior sendoff for them this fall. Some of the graduates were able to return to campus to celebrate in a safe, socially distanced way, while others joined via Zoom.
The Clarkson Chapter stayed busy during the fall by focusing on things such as service, philanthropy, house projects and welcoming their five new members. By hosting a leaf raking event and an online popcorn fundraiser, the chapter was able to raise $900 to support the Global Service Initiative and the Potsdam Humane Society. The brothers also participated in a local highway clean-up. At the chapter house, a new gazebo was constructed by the men. Materials were donated by alumni, and the structure features stone flooring with Delta Upsilon letters, along with the letters the chapter used when it was a local fraternity prior to affiliating with DU.
In fall 2020, the Colgate Chapter had part of its membership return to campus for in-person learning, and part of the membership opt for remote learning. This gave the chapter an opportunity to focus on small improvements to the chapter house that would make life living in the house more enjoyable. The men also held a virtual recruitment and welcomed 15 associate members. Additionally, the chapter has been working in conjunction with others on campus to create a comprehensive sexual violence prevention, support and response plan.
The DePauw Chapter focused its fall on ways to connect with one other and the campus community in ways that were mindful of new policies and restrictions due to COVID-19. One such activity, which also supported DU’s Principle of The Advancement of Justice, was brothers’ participation in Black Lives Matter protests in the Greencastle community. In the chapter’s words, “We stand up against inequities that stop us from progressing as a great family.”
The Elon Chapter successfully held two events to benefit the Global Service Initiative this fall. One event was a profit share at It’s All Good Southern Kitchen, a local spot in the Burlington area. The second event was an NBA 2k video game tournament. Everyone who wanted to play made a simple donation of at least $10 and was randomly placed to play against one another. The chapter also welcomed seven new brothers into the chapter who were recruited and initiated virtually.
The chapter participated in a school-wide day of service this fall. This day of service included three different events brothers could attend to serve the community over the weekend. Groups of brothers attended each event based on which one interested them the most. The chapter was also proud to initiate two new brothers and elect its first transgender Chapter President, Max Tran, Embry-Riddle ’21.

The Florida Chapter spent the fall term focusing on fun activities the chapter could participate in. This included sorority philanthropy competitions such as Zeta Tau Alpha’s line dance event and Delta Phi Epsilon’s dance competition. The men also participated in a frisbee league and placed third in the campus volleyball intramurals.
Georgia Tech
The chapter has been busy implementing virtual presentations and hosting guest speakers to provide value in a digital format. Guests have included members of the chapter’s alumni board to speak about post-college tools such as how to buy a house, get a loan and build credit. The men have also welcomed guests from Georgia Tech's VOICE organization and campus counseling center to host several training sessions for raising awareness for sexual assault prevention and being an active bystander. The chapter has begun a new training program to educate all brothers each semester on a new topic related to sexual assault prevention, healthy masculinity, substance abuse awareness, and other areas of mental and physical wellbeing.
As an alternative to traditional in-person Homecoming activities, the Illinois Chapter hosted a virtual event over Zoom where alumni and undergraduates were able to receive updates about the chapter. This was in addition to regularly scheduled meetings of the Alumni/Undergrad Relations Committee and alumni. Over the holidays, the brothers raised $1,330 for Toys for Tots so that children in the community could receive holiday gifts.
Eighteen new members were welcomed into the Indiana Chapter during a virtual Initiation on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021. Chapter Advisor Dan Ladendorf, Indiana ’83, delivered the Charge Address, acknowledging the work of past International Fraternity President Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State ’61, as the inspiration for his remarks. Brother Ladendorf focused on the core beliefs of the Fraternity as the guiding principles that will lead the new members to become the men they will grow to be.
Iowa State
To allow for social distancing, the Iowa State Chapter held its Initiation Ceremony at the Iowa State Reiman Gardens this fall, providing a picturesque background for welcoming the 20 new brothers. About midway through the semester, the men worked with the university to adopt two campus parking lots to clean each week. Online fundraisers for the Global Service Initiative found the men selling DU attire, stickers and household items. The chapter is also proud of its new virtual house tour, which can be found at
James Madison
The pandemic has created tough times for many, and the James Madison Chapter wanted to make sure to assist those in need. So, the men partnered with Elkton Area United Services, a social services agency that provides assistance with housing, electricity, heat, food, GED classes, school supplies, senior citizens activities and more. The group is funded by grants and its thrift store. Chapter members helped organize items in the store that were available for sale or giveaway. The chapter also initiated two new brothers this fall.
Kansas State
Despite the changes the pandemic has brought on, the Kansas State Chapter continued its dedication to raising funds for the Global Service Initiative. In partnership with Chi Omega, the men hosted their annual PancakeFest and worked closely with the local health department to do so in a safe manner. The chapter also hosted a week-long virtual fundraiser that utilized social media to encourage involvement from family, friends, parents, alumni and the Kansas State community. The week included give back nights with local restaurants, newsletters, graphics, cards and an Instagram competition among campus sororities.
This fall, the Lehigh Chapter initiated 19 new brothers into the Fraternity via Zoom. Dr. Michael J. Yaszemski, Lehigh ’77, gave the Charge Address. Brother Yaszemski currently works at the Mayo Clinic on a team that focuses on cartilage and spinal cord regeneration using synthetic polymeric scaffolds, cells and controlled delivery of bioactive molecules. The chapter also held two successful fundraisers for the Global Service Initiative. One was a fundraising drive though social media while the other was a giveback fundraiser with El Jefes, a local taqueria, that raised close to $1,800.
The Lehigh Chapter congratulates Luke Lenny, Lehigh ’22, on his election as president of the Lehigh Consulting Group. Michael Jeney, Lehigh ’22; Adam Graff, Lehigh ’22; Patrick McLaughlin, Lehigh ’22; and Thomas Snyder, Lehigh ’22; also founded the Lehigh Cribbage Club after learning the game while at home with their families.

Despite the challenges the pandemic presents, the Louisville Chapter held an in-person but socially distant Initiation Ceremony this fall for 15 new brothers this fall. The chapter would like to thank Brother Mark Kleiner, Louisville ’90, for delivering the Charge Address.
After the pandemic closed down the Department of Fraternity and Sorority Life's community cleaning program, the Maryland Chapter instituted its own "Clean City Project" in which brothers spend Saturday morning cleaning and picking up trash in Old Town, a residential area where many Greek-letter organizations own homes. The chapter also created a new Social Media Committee to help the chapter have a stronger social media presence in a time when communicating on these platforms is so important.
This fall, the Miami Chapter continued its partnership with Hope’s Closet, an organization that gives clothing to families in need. Over three different occasions, the men helped Hope’s Closet move to its new location. To stay connected with one another, the chapter focused on outdoor activities that allowed for social distancing such as backyard cookouts, a chili cookoff, and multiple golf outings.
The Miami Chapter is proud of three brothers who were elected to positions within the campus IFC: Kyle King, Miami ’22, Executive Vice President; Thomas Hemsworth, Miami ’22, Director of Scholarship; and AJ Peterson, Miami ’22, Director of Diversity & Inclusion.
The Michigan Chapter hosted a philanthropy event for the Teddy Bear Fund at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. By raising awareness through social media advertisements, the chapter was able to collect more than $600 for the fund, which provides teddy bears for children as well as financial support for innovative research.
Michigan Tech
The Michigan Tech Chapter has leveraged technology to stay connected to one another and the campus community. In addition to normal chapter meetings, the men hosted a successful virtual chapter retreat to set goals and plan for the future. They have also hosted numerous virtual games nights, a virtual founders day dinner with Alpha Sigma Tau, and Wear It Wednesday get-togethers with other campus sororities when the groups get together via Zoom to hang out and wear their letters.
In November, the Missouri Chapter hosted Nick Orzano, Missouri ’04, to speak with the chapter about investment banking. With many members as business, economics or finance majors, the presentation was a hit. The chapter was also proud to initiate 20 new members into the Fraternity on Dec. 6 via Zoom. It was a great way to get more parents to attend the ceremony.
The Nebraska Chapter had a busy fall term. It placed first in Homecoming competitions that included making floats, banners, a blood drive, canned food collection and participating in the Jester Competition, in which the men placed second. The chapter also partnered with Chi Omega in October to raise money for Camp Kesem, a summer camp for children whose parents have cancer. The cookie and hot cocoa fundraiser raised more than $5,000. Wednesday night discussions, movie nights and 3-on-3 basketball tournament kept the chapter and its 32 new members connected and engaged.
North Carolina
The North Carolina Chapter’s pumpkin patch fundraiser to benefit the Alzheimer's Association of North Carolina was a success. In addition to the pumpkin patch, the event featured a bake sale, tables for pumpkin carving, music, cornhole and a festive fall photo booth made of hay. The chapter made sure to follow all state, local and campus safety precautions and raised almost $900.
North Dakota
To raise money for the Global Service Initiative, the North Dakota Chapter hosted a giveback night with Applebee’s where the restaurant donated 20 percent of revenue to the chapter from patrons who mentioned Delta Upsilon during their dine-in and to-go orders. In November, the chapter initiated seven new members via Zoom, and the chapter is proud to have achieved a 3.55 chapter GPA for the fall.
North Dakota State
To help brothers stay on track academically, the North Dakota State Chapter recognizes a Scholar of the Week and has a study buddy program for those needing extra assistance. The chapter has also been increasing its social media presence this year since it has been the primary way to reach potential new members and fundraise with in-person events paused. In total, the chapter plans to give out more than $200 worth of prizes on social media.
Pennsylvania State
Despite the challenges surrounding the pandemic, the Pennsylvania State Chapter has been able to continue fundraising for Thon, raising more than $30,000 this fall, bringing its three-year total to more than $430,000. The chapter was also excited to welcome 10 new brothers into the Fraternity and see the chapter house receive upgrades such as new hardwood flooring on the first floor, new doors for the dining room and the creation of a small weight room.
This fall, the Rutgers Chapter focused on things that it could do within campus and local COVID-19 restrictions. This included participating in Dance Marathon fundraising, working with the Embrace Kids Foundation and assisting a local food bank. The men also welcomed seven new members into the Fraternity, including one new brother from California who has been attending Rutgers virtually from the other side of the country.
San Diego State
Brotherhood has been more important than ever due to the pandemic. As such, the San Diego State Chapter transitioned its Brotherhood Chair into an entire Brotherhood Committee. With more brothers involved in the planning process, the chapter can dedicate more time and resources into planning virtual events to keep members connected, as well as provide a solid base for brotherhood activities once in-person events are allowed again.
San Jose
This winter, the San Jose Chapter held a clothing drive that brought in more than 350 articles of clothing to keep the unhoused population in San Jose warm during the winter months. Brother Alec Sarrail, San Jose ’23, also organized a fundraiser to provide toys to foster children. On the member development front, the chapter had a successful etiquette seminar in which chapter advisor Kevin Jameson, San Jose ’87, spoke about the importance of maintaining a positive social media presence.
Seton Hall
The Seton Hall Associate Chapter has continued its partnership with Jepsy House, a local nonprofit committed to serving those with developmental disabilities. The men have hosted several food drives to benefit the organization. The campus newspaper even highlighted the partnership in November.

The Syracuse Chapter created a new philanthropy event called Delta DYe, drawing off the chapter’s Reggae Bash from the 1980s. The chapter sold custom tie-dye T-shirts in the colors buyers requested. The event raised more than $1,000 for the Syracuse Chapter of Pencils of Promise, an organization that builds schools and promotes literacy across the globe. This fall, the chapter also created a Diversity Committee to uphold and celebrate diversity within the chapter and campus community. The committee with work closely with various campus multicultural organizations.
The chapter would like to congratulate Brother Jack Ramza, Syracuse ’22, for being named one of the campus’ five Martin Luther King Unsung Hero Award recipients. Jack is an active leader on campus through his role with OrangeSeeds, a student empowerment program meant to help freshmen and transfers grow into dynamic campus leaders, and as a peer mentor for the Martin J. Whitman School of Management.
The Vermont Chapter took a fall camping trip to take a break from the stress of school and enjoy the great outdoors. The brothers camped on land owned by the family of one of the members and were able to hike, camp and cook a delicious meal together. On the recruitment front, the chapter has spilt the role of planning recruitment between two people instead of one. The hope is this added focus on recruitment will help the brothers attract more men into the Fraternity.
Virginia Chapter brothers Ryan Conway, Virginia ’21, and Michael Hails, Virginia ’21, co-founded the UVa Personal Finance Club. This club is a non-exclusionary club that seeks to help educate and learn from fellow students to develop financial literacy that is often neglected in the educational system. A brother was also recently commissioned with the U.S. Navy as an Ensign.
Western Illinois
In October, the Western Illinois Chapter recorded a new milestone raising more than $1,400 for the Global Service Initiative by hosting its annual Haunted Trail. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, group sizes were limited, but that didn't stop the local community from showing up and supporting the cause. The chapter also live streamed its Initiation to Instagram for the first time this fall when it welcomed two new brothers into the Fraternity.
The chapter would also like to congratulate Uche Ukaobasi, Western Illinois ’22, and Trevor Swope, Western Illinois ’22, on being elected to serve on the IFC Executive Board as VP of Membership and VP of Finance. Brother Travis Swope, Western Illinois ’22, was elected to the position of Captain for the Western Illinois University EMS.
Western Ontario
The pandemic has given the Western Ontario Chapter the opportunity to focus on its relationships with alumni and make improvements to its chapter facility, including a new roof. The chapter alumni board has been more involved this year with a number of alumni expressing interest in being involved. The chapter hopes to continue to build these relationships and plan a large Homecoming celebration for next year, should the event be able to happen in-person.
Western Reserve
The Western Reserve Chapter hosted its first virtual philanthropy event this fall: Poker Chips for Change, named for the chapter’s former cookie delivering philanthropy, Chocolate Chips for Change. At the end of the event, players could cash in their chips for raffle tickets to win prizes. The men also held weekly brotherhood events this fall with activities ranging from Top Golf to trivia and video game nights. A number of roundtable discussions during the term focused on topics such as identity and DU, the future of the chapter, recruitment, the U.S. presidential election and sexual violence prevention.