Chapter News
*Reflects submissions to the DU Quarterly by the May 15 deadline.
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The Arlington Chapter continues its partnership with South Davis Elementary School. This past school year, the chapter visited the school four times. In September, the brothers attended a PE class to play basketball and teach the students how to hula hoop. They also purchased PE equipment the school needed. In November, brothers participated in the school’s annual Turkey Trot run. On Read Across American Day in March, the brothers visited and read stories to students. Finally, in May, the chapter celebrated the sixth grade class with an ice cream party to honor the class having the highest attendance rate in the school. The chapter’s efforts with the school helped it earn the Outstanding Community Service Award from the UTA Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
Philanthropy was an area of focus for the Carthage Chapter this past year. In its own philanthropic efforts, the chapter hosted multiple events, including Croc charm and sticker sales. It also partnered with other groups on campus to raise money. For example, the chapter partnered with Alpha Chi Omega to hold a dunk tank philanthropy event.
The Carthage Chapter welcomed six new associate members in the spring, one of whom is a member of Carthage’s Campus Activities Board.

Central Florida
The Central Florida Chapter is proud of its philanthropy and service achievements from spring 2023. The men were able to raise $1,500 for the Global Service Initiative, as well as $1,985 for different organizations through events held by sororities across campus. As a chapter, brothers completed 59 hours of community service. One brother also had the opportunity to attend the Global Service Initiative in Jamaica in March.
The chapter welcomed 10 new initiates into the chapter and have several brothers involved with organizations outside of DU, including Student Government and ROTC.
After a year of limited operations due to campus infractions, the Clarkson Chapter hit the ground running this past year. On the service and philanthropy front, the brothers averaged more than 26 service hours each on the year. They helped the North Country Children’s Museum renovate its space, assisted local grade schoolers on Pi Day (March 14), and worked with the American Cancer Society. The chapter raised $372 for the Global Service Initiative and nearly $1,000 for the American Cancer Society.

Greek Week was a highlight of the Colorado Associate Chapter’s spring calendar. The brothers also coached a campus sorority for a PowderPuff football game, making great connections and having a blast in the process. In the community, the chapter participated in a road clean-up.
The associate chapter is proud of its members’ accomplishments, including those brothers who have secured prestigious internships at companies like PNC Bank, Plante Morant, Lockheed Martin, Excel Energy, Goldman Sachs, Charles Schwab, and the University Colorado Boulder.
This spring, the Florida Chapter participated in "The Big Event," a campus event that focused on promoting a safe and beautiful Gainesville community through various projects including weeding gardens and sidewalks, painting walls and old buildings, picking up trash, and more. Delta Upsilon was tasked with picking up garbage on multiple streets.
Chapter members also participated in several sorority philanthropy events this spring, including Chi Omega’s Sandblast volleyball tournament, Phi Mu Madness 3v3 basketball tournament, and Alpha Chi Omega’s Rainball dodgeball tournament. The chapter itself hosted its first DU Duckball dodgeball tournament to raise money for the Global Service Initiative.
The Illinois Chapter hosted a Mom’s Weekend this spring where all of the brothers’ moms were invited to campus to spend time with their sons. In May, the chapter hosted a Delta Scoopsilon philanthropy event where it sold $2 ice cream scoops. Four new associate members also joined the chapter this fall, and all brothers enjoy supporting Brother Phillip Mackey, Illinois ’25, who plays lacrosse for U of I.

Brother Griffin Eckstein, Indiana ’25, dedicated his spring break to participate in the DU Global Service Initiative in Jamaica where the International Fraternity has been building a local school. Brother Eckstein reported on his return that the experience was “life changing.” Philanthropy and service are pillars of the Indiana Chapter with the entire chapter supporting GSI through the DU Doghouse event, an annual fundraiser in which IU students are invited to the chapter house to play dogs from local shelters. The 2022-2023 event raised nearly $2,000 to support GSI.

Iowa State
The Iowa State Chapter sent eight brothers to the Fraternity’s Global Service Initiative trip to Jamaica in March. On campus, the chapter also volunteered at a blood drive, made blankets for a local organization and participated in food drives. The chapter’s Delta Hoopsilon and DU Drive-Thru events also raised money for efforts, such as GSI.
This spring, the chapter hosted several guest speakers, including a member of Black Mizzou and Equity Requires Action, as well as a representative from the Mizzou Student Health Center. The chapter’s DU Car Wash raised around $500 for the Global Service Initiative, and brothers were happy to participate in the inaugural DayDreams Bowl in which DU and Sigma Nu paired up to battle it out on the football field against Alpha Tau Omega and Beta Theta Pi. The event was created by Haden Hillis, Missouri ’23, and raised around $35,000 for the DayDreams Foundation that supports children who cannot afford to play sports or purchase their own equipment.
North Dakota
The North Dakota Chapter participated in the Big Event hosted by the University of North Dakota where brothers gave back to the community by helping clean up after the winter season and provide service to those who needed it. The chapter also raised $3,000 for the Global Service Initiative through its annual Quesadilla Feed.
The chapter is proud of brothers Keith Wilson, North Dakota ’26, and Taylor Flaata, North Dakota ’24, who won scholarships from the John D. Odegard School of Aerospace to help continue their aviation careers. Brother Kodi Jonassen, North Dakota ’25, earned an internship as a civil engineer for Mead and Hunt, a company based out of Fargo, where he will be inspecting the construction of the Grand Forks International runway extension.
This spring semester, Rutgers Chapter brothers participated in Rutgers' annual RUDM Dance Marathon event, raising nearly $5,000 and making it onto the Rutgers IFC philanthropy leaderboard. Rutgers University Dance Marathon partners with the Embrace Kids Foundation to raise money for children suffering from chronic illnesses. The chapter is also proud of its four new initiates and the brothers who have secured internships with companies like Microsoft, Bristol Myers Squibb, TD Bank, Glooko, Robert Wood Johnson, and Hills Pediatrics.
San Jose
The San Jose Chapter’s Daisy Duck philanthropy event brought the campus community together for a week of different events at the chapter house and brought in an impressive $6,500 for the Global Service Initiative. The men hosted the Delta Carnival, a Delta Scoopsilon ice cream fundraiser, a PowderPuff football tournament, and Splash a DUde where people could pay to douse a brother with a bucket of cold water.
The chapter is thrilled to congratulate Taylor Luoung, San Jose ’25, who received the Outstanding Fraternity President of the year Award from the university.

Following a two-year break due to COVID-19, the Toronto Chapter returned to having its traditional formal DUck Hunt event that brings associate members, undergraduates and alumni together to connect and celebrate DU. Unlike the usual tradition of having the event at the chapter house, the chapter hosted the event at an external venue that proved to be very promising idea for future events. The large attendance of chapter members, alumni and sorority members brought the opportunity to form new social connections and networking opportunities for members.
The chapter is proud of its nine new associate members from the fall and an additional two associate members from the spring.

Western Illinois
During the Office of Student Engagement’s awards ceremony, the Western Illinois Chapter took home four awards. The chapter won an award for the most outstanding organization on campus. Chapter President Zander Doan, Western Illinois ’24, won an award for a most outstanding executive board member. Joe Oshesky, Western Illinois ’23, won an outstanding community service award for his work in the Macomb community, and Joe Cantu, Western Illinois ’25, won an award for outstanding quiet influence around campus, which came with a $500 scholarship. The fraternity and sorority life community also held an awards ceremony in which the chapter won an award for best academic performance, and Zander Doan received an the IFC Council Member of the Year Award.
The Wichita Chapter is proud to announce that Chapter President Aiden Powell, Wichita ’25, was awarded the Craig Barton Outstanding Greek Sophomore Award from campus, marking the fourth year in a row the honor has gone to a member of Delta Upsilon. Brothers Cole Matthews, Wichita ’26, and Jed Cole, Wichita ’26, were both elected to be senators for the Student Government, while Aiden Powell was appointed as Director of Student Organizations. Brother Joaquín Marin, Wichita ’23, was elected secretary for the Paraguay Student Association.