Winter 2025 Delta Upsilon Quarterly

CHapter News

*Reflects submissions to the DU Quarterly by the Jan. 15 deadline.
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The Alberta Chapter had a busy fall, which included planning and hosting several events. The chapter hosted two different chapter retreats to strengthen brotherhood and create a more robust officer transition process. The revival of the chapter’s Summer Solstice event also brought in nearly $3,000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation through a beach volleyball tournament. Brothers also participated in a blood drive for the Canadian Blood Services.

Alberta Chapter


The Arlington Chapter continues its partnership with South Davis Elementary. In November, brothers took part in the school’s annual Turkey Trot and provided 54 turkeys and gym equipment to families in need. At the chapter level, the group hosted a Recruitment Luncheon to provide its associate members with tools and strategies for successful recruitment. One such strategy was a DU Paintball event to build camaraderie between potential new members and those in the chapter.

Members are also excelling on campus. Joel Sherwood, Arlington ’25, and John Lam, Arlington ’27, were inducted into the prestigious Order of Omega. Richard DiGiovanni, Arlington ’25, secured a competitive internship with an energy group based in Denton, Texas; and Axel Hoge, Arlington ’25, will continue his education abroad in Sweden.


The Culver-Stockton Chapter brought awareness for homelessness in their community and raised money for a local charity this November by camping out in front of the Hy-Vee in Quincy for 24-hours and collecting money. The brothers, many of whom are a part of the school’s marching band, passed time by playing instruments. The event was even highlighted by the local news.


Before the first weekend freshmen are allowed to attend fraternity/sorority social functions, the DePauw Chapter hosted an alcohol safety tabling event in the main campus plaza in conjunction with the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. The brothers also took part in a number of service and philanthropy projects like collecting feminine hygiene products for Beyond Homeless, hosting a trick-or-treat table for neighborhood kids, and taking part in a Regional GSI project with the Purdue Chapter at the Hope Center in Indianapolis.

The chapter is proud to continue its multi-year streak of having the highest fraternity GPA on campus, earning a 3.53 cumulative GPA during the fall 2024 semester. The chapter also started an alumni mentoring program this fall where interested chapter alumni are paired with undergraduates based on their intended career paths.

DePauw Chapter


Brother Nicolas Wehrenberg, Embry-Riddle ’24, was recently awarded the campus Brandon L. White FSL Community Values Award. This is one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a graduating senior of the fraternity/sorority community at Embry-Riddle. Brother Wehrenberg was honored for his dedication to the chapter and the wider fraternity/sorority community through friendship, knowledge, service, morality and excellence.

The Embry-Riddle Chapter held Initiation for six new brothers on Nov. 23 and is excited to see what these men accomplish.

Embry-Riddle Chapter


The Florida Chapter took part in many philanthropy and service projects this fall. On Dec. 7, the chapter held a social event with Flipping the System, a student organization combating sexual violence on campus. The two groups met at the DU house to participate in presentations and learn ways to recognize and prevent sexual violence. The brothers also took part in Zeta Tau Alpha's annual line dance philanthropy.

The chapter is proud of past President Nick Andrews, Florida ’24, on joining the prestigious Florida Blue Key Honor Society. Brother Mike Finkelstein, Florida ’24, also secured an internship with the Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium where he will build connections and garner experience as a sports manager.

Iowa State

The Iowa State Chapter remains heavily committed to its service partners and philanthropic events. This year, the chapter introduced a new event that it is eager to carry on to the future. The new DU Cars & Cones event was a car wash for the people of Ames, and the brothers give out snow cones to participants. Alongside this new initiative, the chapter’s cherished Delta Scoopsilon ice cream fundraiser helped the chapter achieve a near 50 percent increase in fundraising from the previous semester, raising approximately $6,200 for the Global Service Initiative. Nine chapter members even attended the January 2025 GSI trip to Jamaica. The chapter also created a partnership with Martha's House Of Hope, a maternity home that specializes in helping mothers recover from past traumas and build a brighter future for themselves and their children. The men were honored to send brothers to assist with their fundraising events.

Iowa State Chapter


This fall, the Kansas Chapter partnered with Tri Delta in the campus Rock Chalk Revue, an annual show in which student organizations write, produce and perform original music productions. The Revue also annually contributes more than 2,500 hours of community service and has raised more than $2.5 million for local charities, with this year’s charities being The Ballard Center and the KU Dream Maker Fund. Later in the term, the chapter hosted Natural Ties along with others in the fraternity/sorority community to play games and make crafts with special needs children. Other service opportunities included helping freshman move into the dorms at the beginning of the year and volunteering with a local food bank, JustFoods.

Several times this fall, the chapter held Think Tank Thursday sessions where members met at the house to brainstorm new ideas for philanthropy, service and social events. The men also welcomed a professor to a meeting before finals to lead them through a meditation and mindfulness exercise.

Kansas Chapter

Kansas State

This year, the Kansas State Chapter began a partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters where several of the brothers have become mentors and have helped maintain the organization’s grounds. On the philanthropy front, the chapter once again hosted its Delta Hoopsilon women’s basketball tournament and had guest appearances from the K-State women’s basketball team and men’s basketball head coach Jerome Tang. They also hosted a Delta Spooksilon haunted house and Pancake Fest.

The chapter is proud to welcome 26 new associate members and congratulates Brother Nick Suttle, Kansas State ’26, on his election as the IFC’s VP of Health and Safety.


Each year, the Lafayette Chapter presents the Delta Upsilon Distinguished Mentoring and Teaching Award to a member of the Lafayette College faculty. The chapter named Andrew Clarke, an assistant professor in government and law, as the 2024 award recipient. Professor Clarke teaches courses on U.S. government, quantitative methods and American politics. His research includes topics such as American political institutions and legislative affairs. The award was established in 1999.


The Lehigh Chapter had a successful fall semester, focusing heavily on campus and community involvement. In November, many of the brothers worked throughout South Bethlehem to clean up litter in the streets and parks. With the 160th game of the Lehigh University and Lafayette College football rivalry, many alumni visited the chapter house to meet the undergraduates and see how the house has changed over the years. Many stories and lessons learned were shared.


The Miami Chapter has focused on campus and community involvement this year. The chapter raised money for the Lollabird Bed Sheets Philanthropy Fundraising Initiative, and Brother Daniel French, Miami ’27, was named Zeta Tau Alpha’s Big Man on Campus. Several brothers have taken leadership roles in other campus organizations including David Saccone, Miami ’26, as president of Miami Real Estate Club; JT Kelly, Miami ’25, as vice president of Miami Club Hockey Team; Jackson Bayer, Miami ’26, as vice president of Miami Club Baseball Team; and Alex Ball, Miami ’25, as vice president of Miami’s Club Soccer Team. Chapter President Ronnie Petrey, Miami ’27, is also working with the IFC on a line of mental health apparel to raise money for Men’s X Mental, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting men’s mental health in both professional and collegiate athletic communities.


This fall, the Nebraska Chapter hosted DU Dogs, its annual philanthropy event where guests can come relax by playing with dogs. The men also hosted a canned food drive at Thanksgiving for the local Catholic Social Services.

Brotherhood is always important to the chapter. It welcomed 27 new members in the fall and hosted a brunch with family and alumni following their Initiation. The chapter also hosts an annual alumni cookout at the chapter house on a football gameday. Those who attended this fall’s game got to witness Brother Dawson Hike, Nebraska ’27, in action as a team manager for the Huskers.

Nebraska Chapter

North Dakota

In the fall semester, the North Dakota Chapter initiated 19 new members and had the highest new member GPA of all fraternities and sororities on campus. The chapter also received the PAGE Award, the President’s Award for Greek Excellence, Excellence in Brotherhood, and Excellence in Intellectual Development at the 2024 campus Greek Awards. The fall semester was the first with members living in the newly constructed house, and members have enjoyed and adjusted well to the change.

North Dakota Chapter

Penn State

The Penn State Chapter hosted Stefen Wisniewski, a former NFL guard/center, for a motivational speech. He spoke to the brothers about how to motivate themselves and what has helped him to be successful. The chapter also hosted a 3v3 basketball tournament with brothers to benefit THON.

The chapter is proud of former Chapter President Austin Parisi, Penn State ’26, who currently serves as president of the Penn State Interfraternity Council. Brandon Bayer, Penn State ’26, was also elected president of the Penn State Asset Management Group.


The Quinnipiac Chapter hosted and participated in a variety of philanthropy and service events this fall. The chapter hosted PowderDUff, a flag football tournament for sororities on campus, as well as Slam DUnKD, a knockout tournament co-hosted with Kappa Delta. Together, these events raised $1,226 for the Global Service Initiative. Brother Nick Crociati, Quinnipiac ’26, led a month-long fundraiser to promote soldier suicide awareness. All brothers who participated ran 31 miles during the month of October to raise money and awareness. The men also raised money during No Shave November.

On the service front, the chapter took part in the campus Greek Day of Service, served as part of the Move-In Crew that assists freshmen moving onto campus, and began mentoring students at a local school. The Quinnipiac Chapter was proud to welcome 24 new initiates this fall.


This fall, the Rochester Chapter hosted Pie a DU, a fundraiser that allowed the campus community to throw pies in the faces of chapter members. It also hosted a blood drive in early February in collaboration with the American Red Cross in addition to participating a number of sorority-sponsored philanthropy events.

The chapter is proud of Brother Bryce Berkhof, Rochester ’26, who received the 2024 Garnish Scholar-Athlete Award, which is given to University of Rochester athletes who display great excellence in both academics and athletics. Bryce is one of several chapter members who are varsity athletes or involved in club athletics.


The Syracuse Chapter restarted its signature philanthropy event, Mud Tug, this fall. Other fraternities and sororities participated in this tug of war tournament that raised money for the Thirst Project, a nonprofit that provides sustainable drinking water in Africa. Proceeds from Mud Tug were able to fund the construction of 14 new wells, providing an estimated 450 people with reliable, clean drinking water. To thank the fraternities and sororities for their support, the Syracuse Chapter participated in 16 philanthropy events on campus, notably winning Alpha Phi's APHEAST, Delta Gamma's Anchor Games, and Alpha Chi Omega's Walk a Mile and Frisbee Games.

Brothers have been very active on campus and in their career prep. Activities include one brother serving as a student manager for the basketball team and another as vice president of the Investment Club. Brothers have internships at places like Blackrach Partners, EY, Goldman Sachs, PNC Bank and ESPN.


The Tufts Chapter hosted its third annual speaker series in October, which centered on building leadership skills in nonprofit organizations. The three-person panel included Jay Calnan, a Tufts alumnus and co-founder of Team IMPACT, which matches disabled children with college sports teams; Lily Siddall, the head coach of Tufts women’s rowing; and Chris Nowinski, the co-founder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, which fights neurological diseases common in combat sports. The panel was moderated by David Radlo, host of the ForbesBooks podcast “Sustainable Leadership and Disruptive Growth,” and Jack Derby, founder of the Derby Entrepreneurship Center at Tufts. Derby also serves as the chapter’s Camus/Faculty Advisor. To learn more, you can read an article about the event from The Tufts Daily here.

Washington State

The Washington State Associate Chapter was proud to welcome 10 new brothers into the Fraternity this fall. Alumni have also invested more than $100,000 in repairs, renovations and upgrades to the 60-year-old chapter house. The group is hopeful these updates will attract more new members and provide current members with a great place to live.

Western Illinois

The Western Illinois Chapter was proud to host a number of successful events this fall. This included a Family Day at the chapter house that welcomed their family members with a barbecue lunch. Its annual Haunted Trail event at Halloween raised $3,200 for the Global Service Initiative, and 11 new brothers were initiated into the chapter.

The chapter also congratulates Brothers Konner Pearman, Western Illinois ’26, and Josh Gunn, Western Illinois ’27, on their election to the campus IFC executive board.

Western Reserve

This fall, the Western Reserve Chapter organized an event where brothers and friends gathered to make blankets for the Linus Project that were then given to hospitalized children in the Cleveland area. Recruitment events included a Scoops & Résumé Reviews event that included ice cream and professional development, a Studio Ghibli movie marathon, and a trip to a local shuffleboard parlor.

The chapter is proud of Brothers Justice Smith, Western Reserve ’25, who is part of the rugby team; Tyler Zupfer, Western Reserve ’26, for his co-op with Olon USA; and Gavin Bowe, Western Reserve ’26, whose research of DLK protein will contribute to understanding mechanisms observed in neurodegenerative diseases like ALS and Alzheimer's disease.


The Wichita Chapter co-hosted Teeterathon with Cultural Greek Council fraternity Sigma Lambda Beta. This event involved teetertottering for 24 hours, and for the last hour, the presidents of each chapter teetered and had water balloons thrown at them. This raised more than $1,000 for the Global Service Initiative. The chapter was also happy to participate in the university's annual SongFest competition and the Wichita Alumni Chapter’s STAG mixer that featured a barbecue and guest speaker Byron Rupp, the executive director of planned giving for Wichita State's alumni foundation.

Wichita Chapter


The Wisconsin Chapter hosted a great Homecoming tailgate for alumni the weekend of the Oregon vs. Wisconsin football game. About 20-30 alumni came to connect with brothers right on the lake. Although Wisconsin lost the game, it was a great game and a beautiful day. 

Toronto Chapter turns 125 

In December 2024, the Toronto Chapter hosted an anniversary celebration to honor its 125 years as a DU chapter. The chapter was installed as the Fraternity's 41st chapter on Dec. 15, 1899, and has been open ever since. During the anniversary event, the chapter also hosted the Initiation Ceremony for its newest members.

Congratulations, Toronto Chapter!