The Delta Upsilon Quarterly is the official magazine of the Fraternity and your source for important DU news.
In This Issue
Featured Articles

Our Mission
The DUEF's purpose is to advance the International Fraternity through educational programs, scholarships and initiatives that build better men.

2023-2024 Fiscal Year Results
Thanks to our generous donors, the DUEF is able to make a lasting impact on DU brothers across North America

2023-2024 By The Numbers
The DUEF's goal is to ensure our donors advance our mission of Building Better Men in purposeful ways each year.

2023-2024 State of the Fraternity
Take a look at the International Fraternity's vital statistics from the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

Educational Programs
DU's award-winning educational programs are funded, in-part, by the DU Educational Foundation. Our goal is to provide more educational funding in the form of grants and scholarships.

2024 Tuition Scholarships
Providing scholarships has been a priority for the DUEF since its founding 75 years ago. In 2024, DU provided 14 McQuaid Scholarships for brothers.

Ignite The Charge: A Story for DU's History Books
The Ignite The Charge Campaign ended on Aug. 3, 2024, as the final fundraising results were revealed at the Leadership Institute. But the story of this Campaign is not over. It will continue to Light the Way for DU for years to come.

Ways to Give
Looking for a way to give back to Delta Upsilon? There are a number of simple ways to give to the DUEF and make an impact.

2023-2024 Named Endowment Funds
Named endowment funds ensure a donor's giving makes an impact forever. Learn more about the current named funds through the DUEF.

Heritage Circle
The Heritage Circle honors living brothers and their families who have chosen to include the DU Educational Foundation in their estate plans.

Our Donors
The DUEF is grateful for all of our donors, Take a look at more information regarding our 1,260 donors in 2023-2024.

2023-2024 Honor Roll
The Honor Roll recognizes all donors who made a gift to the DU Educational Foundation between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.

Recognizing Our Loyal Donors
The DU Educational Foundation is forever grateful for our donors. In addition to listing their names in the annual report, the DUEF recognizes donors in a number of different ways.

Chapter Scorecards
At the end of each academic year, each DU chapter receives a scorecard of its vital stats in relation to the Fraternity's Men of Merit Chapter Standards Program. See your chapter's scorecard from 2023-2024.

2023-2024 Awards
Each summer, Delta Upsilon recognizes our top chapters, brothers and friends with a number of awards. Learn more about our 2023-2024 Award recipients.